2: Roller Milling Development
3: History of Roller Milling: Farewell to the Millstone
4: History of Roller Milling: The Origins
5: Roller Milling Around the World: Australia
6: Roller Milling Around the World: Canada
7: Roller Milling Around the World: Ireland
8: Roller Milling Around the World: New Zealand
9: Building a Mill: Location
10: Building a Mill: Construction
11: Building a Mill: Choosing the Machinery
12: Building a Mill: Workforce
13: External Impacts: Fire
14: External Impacts: Second World War
15: From Field to Shelf
16: From Field to Mill: Raw Product
17: From Field to Mill: Corn exchange
18: From Field to Mill: Transport (part I)
19: At the Mill: Storage
20: At the Mill: Milling Process
21: From Mill to Shelf: Final Product
22: From Mill to Shelf: Transport (part 2)
23: From Mill to Shelf: Advertising
24: Millers and Mill-Owners
25: Key Companies
26: British Milling Companies
27: British Milling Companies: Associated British Foods
28: British Milling Companies: Carr's Flour Mills
29: British Milling Companies: Co-operative Wholesale Society (CWS)
30: British Milling Companies: Cranfield Brothers Ltd.
31: British Milling Companies: E. Marriage & Son Ltd.
32: British Milling Companies: Heygates
33: British Milling Companies: Rank Hovis McDougall
34: British Milling Companies: Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society (SCWS)
35: British Milling Companies: Spillers Ltd.
36: British Milling Companies: W. & H. Marriage & Sons (Marriage's)
37: Milling Associations
38: Milling Associations: National Association of British and Irish Millers (nabim)
39: Milling Associations: Millers' Mutual Association (MMA)
40: Manufacturers
41: Manufacturers: Briddon and Fowler
42: Manufacturers: Bühler
43: Manufacturers: Edward P. Allis & Co.
44: Manufacturers: E. R. & F. Turner
45: Manufacturers: Henry Simon Ltd
46: Manufacturers: J. Harrison Carter
47: Manufacturers: MM. Rose Frères
48: Manufacturers: Seck Brothers
49: Manufacturers: Thomas Robinson and Son Ltd.
50: Manufacturers: Whitmore and Binyon
51: Manufacturers: W. R. Dell & Son
52: Key Individuals
53: Architects
54: Authors and Publishers
55: Engineers
56: Machinery
57: Machinery: Early days
58: Publications
59: Journals
60: Journals: The Northwestern Miller
61: Journals: The Miller
62: Journals: Milling/Milling and Grain
63: Highlights from Old Journals
64: Blog Posts
65: Stories from the Archive
66: Mills
67: Caudwell's Mill, Rowsley
68: Berkshire Mills: Sandhurst, Sindlesham and Sonning Mills
69: Individuals
70: Gems: Locke Letter
From the end of the 19th century, the traditional technique of using stones to grind wheat into flour was superseded by the invention of roller mill machinery, which is still in use today.
On these pages you can learn more about the material we have here as well as the history and process of roller flour milling.