As the world’s only archive dedicated to mills and milling, we make 10,000s of high-resolution images available in our online store. From documentaries to research publications and museums to personal enjoyment, these unique images of mills and milling have entertained and informed across the world.
By purchasing our high-resolution images, you ensure that our educational charity can continue to preserve these insights into our past. Browse our collections to uncover the stories hidden in these gems.
- See through the eyes of those that work the mills in thousands of high-resolution photographs.
- View the hundreds of stunning sketches of mills by the artist Karl Wood, the millwright Peter Dolman and more.
- Browse the serene paintings and postcards, depicting our shared milling heritage.
Whether you are looking for a beautiful scene or a particular mill, you can find them in our catalogue and online shop.

Downloading Images

Images can be browsed in our online shop and our Archive catalogue. Images with an option to “Download image” in the catalogue will take you to the high-resolution version in our Shop. High-resolution images cost £24.00 each. PDF files can be viewed free of charge on the catalogue. See more information about downloading images from the catalogue.
Please note that the size of the high-resolution image will vary. Usually, it will be significantly larger than the version which can be viewed on the catalogue, but occasionally this will not be so.
Requesting copies
If you require a copy of an item we have not yet digitised we can create one for you and send it by email.
High-resolution copies of images can be purchased for £24 per image. For copies of documents, we charge a £10 search-and-check fee for a member of staff to locate the document and determine the number of pages. We then charge £3 per page copied. The copy will be supplied in PDF format.
In some cases, we may be unable to copy material (e.g. large drawings). We suggest that you visit the archive in person to consult such material.
To find out more, get in touch:

Visiting the Archive

In some cases, we are unable to sell high-resolution copies of an image for copyright reasons. The high-resolution versions of the images may also be viewed free of charge in our Library and Research Centre.
Visitors to the archive are permitted to photograph items themselves. We charge £30 for a licence to take unlimited photographs for one day. The licence can be purchased through our online shop. Flash photography is forbidden. We may ask to be given copies of the resulting images.
Portable scanners are not allowed in the Library and Research Centre.
To arrange a visit, contact us via our online form:

Copyright Fees

Permission must be obtained from the Mills Archive for the reproduction of material in The Archive in publications. We do not own the copyright on all the material in the Archive, so we cannot guarantee that we will be able to grant permission for items to be reproduced.
A copyright acknowledgement will be required whenever the image is reproduced. The copyright fee may be waived or reduced at the Trustees’ discretion and details are available of the categories of use and user which would qualify.
To request permission to reproduce an image please use the contact form below.