Welcome to NUTS & BOLTERS, our illustrated glossary.
You can explore terms alphabetically by letter, or by theme to see the wider context.
Derived from the text-based glossary assembled in 1996 by Tony Yoward, it is being enhanced with illustrations by John Brandrick. We are grateful to James Wheeler who is editing the glossary, bringing together the text and images, as well as suggesting improvements to the functioning and appearance of the site.
Please feel free to send us any corrections or additions.
This joint project with the Mills Research Group is supported by The Heritage Lottery Fund and Stichting Steunfonds TIMS.

How to talk about Climate Change
Climate change affects all people around the world. The enormity of climate change as a phenomenon can make it difficult to understand or talk about. Understanding of the key issues can also be complicated by the tendency to talk about climate change using specialised language, buzzwords, and technical jargon.
In order to have an open and transparent dialogue about climate change, it is important that the language used to discuss it is well understood and accessible.
These glossaries put milling and industrial heritage into conversation with climate change. Understanding mills can reveal how the relationship between nature, energy use, and industry has changed over time, and continues to change to this day.
The three glossaries (Climate Change, Renewable Energy, and Heritage) are each subdivided into two different reading levels.
This glossary was written and illustrated by Polly Bodgener, with support from the Mills Archive Trust.
The material is copyrighted under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. It is free to be used and distributed, so long as its creators are given due recognition.