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Showing results for ( Topic equals Cereal processes > Cereal and milling science ):

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Modern cereal chemistryAmos, A J; Kent-Jones, D WFood Trade Press1967Book
Modern cereal chemistryKent-Jones, D WNorthern Publishing Co1939Book
Modern cereal chemistryKent-Jones, D WNorthern Publishing Co1927Book
Modern cereal chemistryAmos, A J; Kent-Jones, D WNorthern Publishing Co1957Book
Modern cereal chemistryKent-Jones, D WNorthern Publishing Co1924Book
Milling studies: a survey of the flour milling processMiller, Edgar SNational Miller Publications Inc.1928Book
Milling chemistryEvans, Newton C; Lawellin, S JNational Miller Publications Inc.1925Digital
Millet, ‘smart food of the 21st century’Milling & Grain 2018MarchDigital
Microscope in the mill: Fomation, chemistry and pests of corn meal and flourScott, JamesNorthern Publishing Co Ltd1920Book
Measuring protein directly on the combineMilling & Grain 2018NovemberDigital
McCance and Widdowson's The Composition of FoodsVarious authors, Royal Society of Chemistry1991Book
Maths formula offers global impact for millers by improving flour yield from wheatMilling & Grain 2016JulyDigital
Laboratory equipmentHenry SimonBook
Lab solutions for gluten-free applications: Current tools for analysing raw materialsMilling & Grain 2019JulyDigital
Kleberforschung: ein historisch-wissenschaftlicher VersuchRohrlich, MVerlag Moritz Schafer1969Book
International Vision For Wheat ImprovementWheat Initiative2018Digital
Importance of starch damage in wheat and milling industryMilling & Grain 2023JanuaryDigital
Identification of Cereal VarietiesHervey-Murray, C GRHM Arable1980Book
Identification of barley and wheat varieties by kernel charactersisticsConacher, M J; Owen, C HBoard of Grain Commissioners for Canada1960Book
History of the earth and the soilMilling & Grain 2017SeptemberDigital
Heatwave 2018. How enzyme systems can compensate for deficits in this year’s crop—Low amylase values, high falling numbersMilling & Grain 2018SeptemberDigital
Grinding methods. Products with different grinding methodsMilling & Grain 2023FebruaryDigital
Greenhouse gas as a raw material for an important feed additiveMilling & Grain 2018SeptemberDigital
Grain, seed and feed: sampling and physical characteristic testingWilkin, RobinSamplex Ltd, NorfolkBook
Grain quality assessment in the new age. GRAMS-M10 mobile app for accurate grain analysisMilling & Grain 2023MarchDigital
Grain preservation with organic acidsMilling & Grain 2017OctoberDigital
Grain Improvers. Higher milling efficiency & flour qualityMilling & Grain 2022NovemberDigital
Grain hydrationMiller Graphics2016JuneDigital
Gluten-free flours. Analytical characterisation and processing of gluten-free flours on a laboratory scaleMilling & Grain 2023JanuaryDigital
Genetics and the hidden story of wheatMilling & Grain 2018OctoberDigital
Food technology processing and laboratory controlAylward, FGeorge Newnes Ltd1955Book
FMBRA BulletinCollins, T H; Little, K; Pritchard, P EFlour Milling & Baking Research Asscociation1991No 4 (August)Journal
FMBRA BulletinEvers, A D; Harrison, Kathleen R; Salmon, Susan EFlour Milling & Baking Research Asscociation1990No 5 (October)Journal
Flour milling in the UK: 2021 Facts and FiguresUK Flour Millers (nabim)2021-Digital
Fisons cereal bookLaverton, SylviaFisons Limited1957Book
Feed ingredients. Using antioxidants to manage oxidation and preserve qualityMilling & Grain 2021NovemberDigital
Extrusion cooking of wheat flourGuy, R C E; Horne, A W; Janes, D AFlour Milling & Baking Research Asscociation1993Journal
Evolution of maize is more complex than thoughtMilling & Grain 2019FebruaryDigital
Evolution of grain & oilseed analysis methodsMilling & Grain 2022SeptemberDigital
Evaluating the impact of bio-stimulants on crop growthMilling & Grain 2021JuneDigital
Essays on wheatBuller, A H ReginaldMacmillan1919Book
Enzymes: and their role in wheat technologyAnderson, J AInterscience1946Book
Enzymes enhancing flour qualityMilling & Grain 2017MarchDigital
Enhancing traditional methods for flour quality analysisMilling & Grain 2021DecemberDigital
Enhancing quality managementMilling & Grain 2018AprilDigital
Elementary science course for flour millersNorthern Publishing Co LtdBook
Effects of gluten and fungal alpha-amylase on CBP bread crumb properties: project no. 85.3.2Cauvain, S P; Mitchell, Tracey JFlour Milling & Baking Research Asscociation1986Journal
Digital navigator: Mühlenchemie introduces flour optimisation by smartphoneMilling & Grain 2018DecemberDigital
Development of new technologies for feed and food millingMilling & Grain 2018MarchDigital
Determination of rheological properties of doughMilling & Grain 2023MarchDigital