
Grain hydration

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    Authors & editors

    Publisher Miller Graphics
    Year of publication 2016 June

    Medium Digital

    Cereal processes > Cereal and milling science


    Scope & contentSteam infusion advanced heating and mixing - faster processing with increased benefits

    By Jake Norman, OAL

    The hydration of grains is a critical process in the manufacture of Maheu, a grain-based drink widely consumed across Africa. Heating and mixing is a key aspect of the hydration process but an area where to date we have seen minimal change from the status quo. Steam jacketed vessels and agitation are the de facto method for heating products but manufacturers are turning to Steam Infusion advanced heating and mixing as a break from the traditional to process faster with quality benefits.

    One manufacturer profiting from using OAL Steam Infusion to hydrate maize flour is Dairy Gold, an African Maheu beverage producer based in Zambia. Having sold their business to SABMiller in 2008, Dairy Gold had a good understanding of traditional processing technologies and were in search of new technologies to provide a competitive advantage for their new venture. Re-entering the market they believed there was a big opportunity to reduce operating costs dramatically and improve product quality.

    Read about:
    What is Maheu?
    The Steam Infusion difference
    The Vaction Technology
    Flexible Manufacturing
    What’s culinary steam?
    Elevated temperatures
    What’s next?


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