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Windmills of Hampshire and the Isle of WightBlythman, GuyThe Mills Archive Trust2016Book
International milling and grain directory 2016Blacker, TomPerendale Publishers2016Book
Cheriton Fitzpaine: a sense of communityBabbedge, EllyElly Babbedge2016Book
Windmills and watermills of Wirral: a historical surveyPatel, RowanCountyvise Ltd.2016Book
Wind, water and steam: The story of Hertfordshire's millsHowes, HughUniversity of Hertfordshire Press2016Book
Life under the sails - Heage WindmillJones, GlynHeage Windmill Society2016Book
Pitstone windmill: the rescue of an ancient landmarkHillier, Roger; Wray, DavidChoir Press2016Book
Milling around the countryside: a landscape approach to medieval windmills in NorthamptonshireMiller, AlexandraUniversity of Reading2016Thesis/Report
Tocketts: the story of a North Yorkshire township and its millHarrison, John K; Morgan, P WThe Mills Archive Trust2016Book
From Quern to Computer: a history of flour millingCookson, Mildred M; Wooldridge, ClaireThe Mills Archive Trust2016Book
Archaeology of mining and quarrying in England: a research framework for the extractive industries in England. Resource assessment and research agendaNewman, PaulNational Association of Mining History Organisations2016Book
Twyford and Ruscombe through the agesCurtis, AudreyTwyford & Ruscombe Local History Society2016Book
Milling mishaps: accurate accounts and racy reports: Part 1- SussexChamberlain, DavenAdmiral Press2016Book
Ta' Kola windmill: a landmark restoredSagona, Nicoline; Sant Caruana, Daphne MHeritage Malta Publishing2016Book
From Quern to Computer: The history of flour millingWatts, Martin; Watts, SueThe Mills Archive Trust2016Website
Dispossessed Lives: Enslaved women, violence and the archiveFuentes, Marisa JUniversity of Pennsylvania2016Book
Flour Milling Industry Distance Learning Course; Modules (4th, 5th & 6th editions)National Association of British & Irish Millers (nabim)2016Container
Sugar Machines: Picturing Industrialized SlaveryJohn, CrowleyAmerican Historical Review2016vol 121, 2, (April), 403-436Digital
'Conspiracy' of Free Trade: The Anglo-American Struggle over Empire and Economic Globalisation, 1846–1896Palen, Marc-WilliamCambridge University Press2016Book
Green's mill: its history and workingPlowman, DennyCity of Nottingham2016Book
Guide towards a sustainable energy future for the AmericasEstrada, Claudio; Millhome, JohnIANAS The Inter-American Network of Academies of Sciences2016-Digital
Women, Energy and Water: The Effects of Gender and Culture on the Roles and Responsibilities of WomenBazan, Tomas; Bernex, Nicole; Henry, Frances; Jimenez, Mario; Sequiera, Gustavo; Taboada Serrano, Patricia; Vammen, KatherineGlobal Network of Academies of Sciences and Inter American Network of Academies of Sciences Press2016-Digital
Milling journals of the past. Rice Milling around the World: A Japanese rice millCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2016JanuaryDigital
Milling journals of the past. Milling around the World – British Empire MillsCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2016FebruaryDigital
Milling journals of the past. Milling around the World – British Empire Mills – Part 2Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2016MarchDigital
Milling journals of the past. A German Roller Flour Mill: The New Roller Flour Mills of Mr C Scholtz at Loewen (Silesia)Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2016JulyDigital
Milling journals of the past. British and Irish Flour Mills No1 Messrs F Skurray & Son’s New Roller Mill at Swindon, WiltshireCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2016AprilDigital
Milling journals of the past. British and Irish Flour Mills No2 North Shore Mills LiverpoolCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2016MayDigital
Milling journals of the past. British and Irish Flour Mills No3 Messrs James Comerford & Sons’ New Roller MillCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2016JuneDigital
Milling journals of the past. The 1888 Plymouth Milling Convention Part 1Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2016SeptemberDigital
Milling journals of the past. The 1888 Plymouth Milling Convention Part 2Cookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2016OctoberDigital
Milling journals of the past. Our Milling Engineers and the Milling RevolutionCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2016NovemberDigital
Milling journals of the past. The American Engineering Works of Messrs Edward P Allis & CoCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2016DecemberDigital
BCPC joins the drive to protect pollinatorsMilling & Grain 2016SeptemberDigital
From curiosity to actionPelletier, ChristopheMilling & Grain 2016SeptemberDigital
Millet. Feeding the futureWilkinson, AndrewMilling & Grain 2016SeptemberDigital
Buhler networking days. Can we feed 9 billion people sustainably by 2050?Milling & Grain 2016SeptemberDigital
Improving raw material quality for millersMilling & Grain 2016SeptemberDigital
Best of both worldsPelletier, ChristopheMilling & Grain 2016MayDigital
Mid-year mill report. China, Italy, Iraq, TaiwanMilling & Grain 2016MayDigital
Grains – challenging press perceptionsMilling & Grain 2016MayDigital
Challenges of an exciting new packing projectMilling & Grain 2016MayDigital
Sefar. Over 185 years of excellence in precision fabricsMilling & Grain 2016MayDigital
Changing economics to overcome future challengesPelletier, ChristopheMilling & Grain 2016JuneDigital
Separating dustMilling & Grain 2016JuneDigital
Grain hydrationMiller Graphics2016JuneDigital
Innovations from leading uk mill manufacturer christy turner for 2016Milling & Grain 2016JuneDigital
New Farm Africa project to help boost grain trade across East AfricaMilling & Grain 2016JuneDigital
Maths formula offers global impact for millers by improving flour yield from wheatMilling & Grain 2016JulyDigital
Bowmans refocuses for future growthMilling & Grain 2016JulyDigital