
Milling journals of the past. Rice Milling around the World: A Japanese rice mill

Full details

Authors & editors

Cookson, Mildred M [Author]

Publisher Milling & Grain
Year of publication 2016 January

Medium Digital

Cereal processes > Rice milling



Scope & contentThis article moves on from the early primitive methods and the subsequent description of the use of waterpower illustrated in earlier articles, to examine some of our holdings covering the early stages of industrialisation of rice milling.

In 1896 Mr Riichi Satake, the founder and first President of his company, invented and initiated the production and sales of Japan’s first indigenous power-driven rice milling machines. Before that Japan’s growing industrial rice milling was dependent on imports.

‘The Miller’ in June 1889 reproduced an article from ‘Engineering’ on a rice mill for Japan. The article is well illustrated with engravings showing the machines made by J Copland & Co, of Pulteney Street Engine Works, Glasgow which were sent out and fitted in Japan…Read more.


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