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Showing results for ( Topic equals Economics & commerce > Sustainability, behaviour and the environment ):

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Alternative Technology and Social Organisation in an an Institutional SettingHarper, PeterScience as Culture2016August 25:3, 415-431Digital
Bamboo chain conveyor. Simultaneously reducing micro plastic contamination & carbon emissionsMilling & Grain 2022JanuaryDigital
British Government Panel on Sustainable Development First ReportDepartment of the Environment1995JanuaryBook
British Government Panel on Sustainable Development Third ReportDepartment of the Environment1997JanuaryBook
Bühler and Vyncke form strategic partnership to offer low-carbon-emissions food plantsMilling & Grain 2021MarchDigital
Bühler continues to balance economy, nature & humanityMilling & Grain 2022AprilDigital
Bühler Virtual World showcases innovative solutions. Protecting the climate whilst generating positive economic impactMilling & Grain 2021AprilDigital
Building conservation directoryCathedral Communications2021Book
Building conservation directoryCathedral Communications2022Book
Building conservation directoryCathedral Communications2023Book
Building conservation directoryCathedral Communications2024Book
Business case for sustainability in the milling industryO’Nien, JayMilling & Grain 2024MarchDigital
Centre for Alternative Technology and the legacy of E.F.SchumacherHarper, PeterCentre for Alternative Technology2008-Digital
Changing economics to overcome future challengesPelletier, ChristopheMilling & Grain 2016JuneDigital
Climate BookThunberg, GretaPenguin2022Book
COP26 & The “Greening finance” roadmapMilling & Grain 2021DecemberDigital
Edible coffee cups. Addressing the urgent plastic waste problem with innovationMilling & Grain 2022AugustDigital
Flour packagingMilling & Grain 2022DecemberDigital
Glad to be here againPelletier, ChristopheMilling & Grain 2018AugustDigital
Global Food SecurityMilling & Grain 2023FebruaryDigital
Global warming or just seasonal changes?Milling & Grain 2018SeptemberDigital
Guide towards a sustainable energy future for the AmericasEstrada, Claudio; Millhome, JohnIANAS The Inter-American Network of Academies of Sciences2016-Digital
Imas Machinery harnesses solar power for improved sustainable manufacturingMilling & Grain 2021JulyDigital
International Vision For Wheat ImprovementWheat Initiative2018Digital
Internet of Things. Can agritech and IoT enable the agriculture sector to become more sustainable?Milling & Grain 2023FebruaryDigital
Leiber constructs new sustainable biomass power plantMilling & Grain 2022NovemberDigital
Mill E3. Unveiling of new high-tech plant is “a transformative moment in the history of flour milling”Milling & Grain 2021NovemberDigital
New biosecurity strategy to protect food security, trade and plant healthMilling & Grain 2023FebruaryDigital
New economics of sustainable consumption: Seeds of changeSeyfang, GillPalgrave Macmillan2009Book
Pursuing sustainable feed productionMilling & Grain 2021JuneDigital
Radical Technology - Food and Shelter, Tools and Materials, Energy and Communications, Autonomy and CommunityBoyle, Godfrey; Harper, PeterWildwood House1977Book
Regenerative agriculture. The role of mills and food producers in sustainable supply chainMilling & Grain 2023JuneDigital
Regenesis; Feeding the world without devouring the planetMonbiot, GeorgeAllen Lane2022Book
Research confirms the carbon footprint of New Zealand beef and lamb is amongst the lowest in the worldMilling & Grain 2022DecemberDigital
Restoring biodiversity in crops and encouraging a shift from intensive agriculture practices in the United KingdomMilling & Grain 2018FebruaryDigital
Robots. Can agricultural robots reverse the trends of water resource shortage and climate change?Milling & Grain 2022DecemberDigital
Seed trade crucial to curb global food insecurityMilling & Grain 2022OctoberDigital
Speed, the forgotten cost reduction factor in the energyvan Wijk, A J M; Wouters, FrankAcademia Letters2022June Digital
Sustainability goes mainstream; A re-invention of capitalism in the matrix of our anthropocene dietCooper, JamesMilling & Grain 2022MayDigital
Tremendous potential of indoor grown wheatMilling & Grain 2023FebruaryDigital
Tritordeum, the winning ingredient in the Sustainable Food AwardsMilling & Grain 2018AugustDigital
UK Government seeks to balance food-security & environmental sustainabilityMilling & Grain 2022JulyDigital
UK’s first School of Sustainable Food and FarmingMilling & Grain 2021AprilDigital
When wind turbine blades get old what's next?Winrow, MichaelBBC News2024March 12Digital
Women, Energy and Water: The Effects of Gender and Culture on the Roles and Responsibilities of WomenBazan, Tomas; Bernex, Nicole; Henry, Frances; Jimenez, Mario; Sequiera, Gustavo; Taboada Serrano, Patricia; Vammen, KatherineGlobal Network of Academies of Sciences and Inter American Network of Academies of Sciences Press2016-Digital
World Earth DayMilling & Grain 2023AprilDigital
World economy is in flux - as seen from a UK perspectiveGilbert, RogerMilling & Grain 2022OctoberDigital
World's tallest wooden wind turbine starts turningFisher, JonahBBC News2023December 28Digital
Young leaders meet in Switzerland to share ideas for a sustainable planetMilling & Grain 2021AugustDigital