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Perry County grist mills: 1762-1978Eby, Eugene EThe author1978Book
Grist mills of early America and today: together with recipes using their products...and notes and illustrations of other early millsSmith, Elmer LApplied Arts Publishers1978Book
Eastern Washington's vanished grist mills: and the men who ran themSherfey, Florence EYe Galleon Press1978Book
Windmills on Cape Cod and the islandsBurrows, Fredrika AWilliam S Sullwold1978Book
Waterpower in the Century of the Steam Engine; Volume 1 of a History of Industrial Power in the United States, 1780-1930Hunter, Lewis CUniversity Press of Virginia for the Eleutharian Mills-Hagley Foundation1979Book
Water-power on the farmKindig, SteveTIMS1979Book
Papers from the seminar on waterwheels and windmills held in Durham, North Carolina, July 1978Association for the Preservation of the Eno River Valley Inc1979Book
Archival and field survey of McCosh's Mill: West Point Lake, AlabamaJeane, GregoryAuburn University1979Book
There's something in the wind: The Brewster windmill and how it is run; a handbook for assistant millers1967Brewster Historical Society1979Book
Grist mills: in Baltimore county, MarylandMcGrain, John WBaltimore County Public Library1980Book
Oliver Evans: inventive genius of the American industrial revolutionFerguson, Eugene SHagley Museum & Library1980Book
History of wind-power on Martha's VineyardColeman, Charles; Marks, WilliamNational Association of Wind-power Resources1981Book
Paper makers: early Pennsylvanians and their water millsCarter, Jane LevisJane Levis Carter1982Book
Windmills of Long IslandHefner, Robert JSociety for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities1983Book
Water Powered Flour Mills in NebraskaBuecker, Thomas RBebraska State Historical Society1983Book
Bale Grist Mill: Symbol of pioneer times in Napa ValleyVerardo, Denzil; Verardo, JennieCalifornia State Parks Foundation1984Book
Where industry failed: water-powered mills at Harpers Ferry, West VirginiaGilbert, DavePictorial Histories1984Book
Archaeological investigations at seven mill sitesNewman, Robert DArchaeological Services, Atlanta, Georgia1984Book
Fitz steel overshoot water wheels: Fitz water wheel co. Hanover, Penna, USASociety for the Preservation of Old Mills1987Book
Tidemill research within Chesapeake BayPlunkett, DavidMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Mills and factories of New EnglandBreisch, Kenneth; Hambourg, Serge; Perrin, NoelHarry N Abrams1988Book
Windmill: Water Mill, New YorkThompson, William CWater Mill Village Improvement Association1990Book
Impressions of HagleyMacKenzie, JillHagley Museum & Library1991Book
Wind Grist Mills on Aquidneck IslandPannagio, Leonard JMiddletown Historical Society1992Book
Historic Eelbeck community: Fort Benning, Chattahoochee County, GeorgiaOakley, Carey B; Smith, Julie BU.S. Army Corps of Engineers1992Book
Stover Mill, Erwinna, Pennsylvania and how it ranAnderson, Lois RTinicum Civic Assocation1994Book
Survey of mills in Delaware County, Pennsylvania 1826-1880Case, Robert PDelaware Community College and Delaware County Historical Society1994Book
Fischer windmill, TheVierling, Philip EIllinois Country Outdoor Guides1994Book
Early water powered mills of the Des Plaines River and its tributaries, Illinois,: vol. 1. Cook, DuPage and Lake CountiesVierling, Philip EIllinois Country Outdoor Guides1995Book
Only mill in town: the story of the pail-making industry in Richmond, New HampshireMartin, Richard AFriends of Historic Richmond1995Book
Mascot Roller MillsRessler Mill Foundation1996Brochure, leaflet or poster
Mills of Rockingham County: volume 1Downs, Earl J; Downs, Janet Baugher; Ritchie, Pat TurnerHarrison-Rockingham Historical Society1997Book
Early water powered mills of the Des Plaines River and its tributaries, Illinois, 2: Vol 2, CountyVierling, Philip EIllinois Country Outdoor Guides1998Book
Mills of Rockingham County: volume 2Downs, Earl J; Downs, Janet Baugher; Ritchie, Pat TurnerHarrison-Rockingham Historical Society1998Book
Musings of a Country Miller: W Franklin ResslerKindig, SteveRessler Mill Foundation1999Book
Historical record of the Stover mills and their millers: together with genealogical charts, maps, and illustrations of the millsKuter, BarbaraGraphic Action1999Book
Windmills and water mills of Long IslandLeeds, Gerald A; Pulling, Anne FrancesArcadia1999Book
Millstone manufacture in Virginia; interviws with the two last Brush Mountain millstone makersHockensmith, Charles DSociety for the Preservation of Old Mills1999Book
Measured Drawings of Mascot Roller MillsBowie, John R; Kindig, SteveRessler Mill Foundation2000Offprint/Journal Supplement
Mill: the history and future of naturally powered buildingsLarkin, DavidUniverse2000Book
Measured Drawings of Betz's Mill and Bahr's Mill water wheelBowie, John RRessler Mill Foundation2000Offprint/Journal Supplement
Flour power: the significance of flour milling at the FallsDanbom, David BMinnesota Historical Society2003Spring/Summer pp 271-285Article
Windmills of New England: their genius, madness, history & futureLombardo, DanielOn Cape2003Book
Guide to the United States patents for windmills and wind engines, 1793-1950Baker, T LindsayTIMS2004Book
Place, memory and time: essays commemorating the tricentennial of the Nathaniel Newlin Grist Mill 1704-2004Sellers, M N S; Wallace, A F C; Woodfin, H DNicholas Newlin Press2004Book
Mill Tour for the Tenth Symposium of The International Molinological SocietySpring, SteveTIMS2007Symposium Transactions
Water-powered gristmills of Union County, PennsylvaniaDel Testa, David W; Rich, Thomas PUnion County Historical Society2013Book
Pine Creek grist mill: its history, technology and restorationMetz, DavidTIMS2015Book