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Christopher Polhem 1661-1751: the Swedish DaedalusLindgren, Mikael; Sorbom, PerSveriges Tekniska Museum1985Book
CIM-Safe a step change in fire safetyMilling & Grain 2019MayDigital
Cole Valley south: the Millstream Way, the history of a Birmingham riverJones, John MorrisRiver Cole and Chinn Brook Conservation Group1989Book
Combustible dust explosions in grain processing and handling facilitiesMilling & Grain 2020JanuaryDigital
Confronting the Crisis of the Slave-Based Plantation System in Puerto Rico: Bureaucratic Proposals for Agricultural Modernisation, Diversification and Free Labour, c1846–1852Chinea, Jorge LJournal of Latin American Studies2010vol 42 (1) 121–154Digital
Congressbury TradesWestcott, ArthurCongressbury History Group1988Book
Constables of Horley Mill: a true saga of a family from the Surrey and Sussex borders during the 19th centuryConstable, ClaireSurrey Mills Publishingg2001Book
Constitution and RulesFlour Milling Employers Federation1918November 6Book
Contesting “White Slavery” in the Caribbean: Enslaved Africans and European Indentured Servants in Seventeenth-Century BarbadosHandler, Jerome S; Reilly, Matthew CNew West Indian Guide/ Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, Leiden2017Issue 91 pp 30-55Digital
Copper king: a biography of Thomas Williams of LlanidanHarris, J RLandmark2003Book
Cornelis Corneliszoon van Uitgeest: uitvinder aan de basis van de gouden eeuwBonke, Hans; de Jong, Andries; Dobber, Wladimir; Groot, Peter; Hoving, Ab; Kingma, Jur; Kingma, Vibeke; Porsius, NanningWalburg Pers2002Book
Cranbrook windmill people: 1814 to 2014Cranbrook Windmill Association2014Book
Dai the mill: miner, sailor, miller & fisherman, lifeboat coxwainLewis, D JMerrivale1995Book
Dalgety; the romance of a businessVaughan-Thomas, WynfordThe Company1984Book
Dane Mills, Bosley: An industrial and social historyPownall, Chris RPneuma Springs Publishing2012Book
David Dale of New Lanark: a bright luminary to ScotlandMcLaren, David JHeatherbank press1983Book
Directory of Suffolk millers 1086 - 1986Blythe, EileenHistory Research2017Book
Directory of Sussex MillersHarverson, Michael; Simmons, H E SMills Archive Catalogue ReferenceWebsite
Dispossessed Lives: Enslaved women, violence and the archiveFuentes, Marisa JUniversity of Pennsylvania2016Book
Du Müller, du Mahler, du Mörder, du Dieb!Werner, JohannesBeck’sche Reihe1990Book
Dulverton Weir restoration projectDulverton Wier & Leat Consevation Trust2022Book
Dunkirk mills: a brief historyMackintosh, IanStroudwater Textile Trust2002Book
Dust controls and the implications of NFPA standardsMilling & Grain 2017SeptemberDigital
Dust dangers. A deadly problem - causes and curesMilling & Grain 2018JuneDigital
Dust dangers. Monitoring for unexpected eventsMilling & Grain 2018JuneDigital
Dust dangers. The dangers of dust explosions in flour millsMilling & Grain 2018JuneDigital
Dust explosion protection, dos and don’ts in grain and milling industriesMilling & Grain 2016AugustDigital
Dust suppressionMilling & Grain 2016AprilDigital
Economy and material culture of slaves: Goods and chattels on the sugar plantations of Jamaica and LouisianaMcDonald, Roderick ALouisiana State University Press1993Book
Écrits d’André GaucheronGaucheron, AndreFederation Française des Amis des Moulins2006Book
Écrits et archives de Claude Rivals.Guilbaud, Jean; Rivals, MarcFédération Française des Associations de sauvegarde des Moulins2008Book
Eleutherian millsO'Brien Quimby, MaureenHagley Museum & Library1973Book
Elizabethan Keswick: extracts from the original account bookks 1564-1577, of the German miners, in the archives of AugsburgCollingwood, W GTitus Wilson1912Book
Endless web: John Dickinson & Co. Ltd. 1804-1954Evans, JoanJonathan Cape1955Book
Engineering drawings of Benjamin Henry LatrobeLatrobe, Benjamin Henry; Stapleton, Darwin HYale University Press1980Book
English country millwright at the beginning of the 20th century: Thompson & Son of Alford in LincolnshireMoore, ColinInternational Molinology2020(101) pp 10-21Digital
English country millwright at the end of the 19th century: Thompson's of Alford in LincolnshireMoore, ColinInternational Molinology2018(97) pp3-12Digital
Eric Brett Young 1892-1931Hall, MichaelFrancis Brett Young Society2019Book
Ernest Simon of ManchesterStocks, MaryManchester University Press1963Book
Eynsford paper millDuncombe, W GFarningham and Eynsford Local History Society2001Book
Family of noted windmillersGreen, Talbot KHuntingdonshire Local History Society1998Book
Farm and the villageEvans, George EwartFaber and Faber1969Book
Fenland boyhood: a fenman remembers the pastimes, skills and landscapes of a lost paradiseWells, ElijahMildenhall Museum Publications1983Book
First Mills Research Conference ProceedingsBreckels, DuncanMills Research Group1983OctoberDigital
First plantation: History of Hampton and Elizabeth City County, Virginia, 1607-1887Starkey, Marion LHouston Printing and Publishing House1936Book
Five generations of millingClaffey, John AThe author1980Book
Flour is art. FlourWorld Museum opens a new chapterMilling & Grain 2023JuneDigital
Follow any streamBirtill, GeorgeGuardian Press1968Book
Forge d'AubeLecherbonnier, YannickInventaire General SPADEM2001Book
Frans Derk Pigeaud 1892-1978 ObituaryNewcomen Society1978Vol 49 p173Article