
Frans Derk Pigeaud 1892-1978 Obituary

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Publisher Newcomen Society
    Year of publication 1978 Vol 49 p173

    Medium Article
    SeriesNewcomen Transactions
    No. in series49

    Generation of Electricity > Windpower
    People and communities > Biographies & tributes


    Selected biography

    Scope & contentFRANS DERK PIGEAUD, electrical engineer, of Heelsum, Holland. Elected October 1956, died
    23 January 1978, aged 85. In 1950 Ir. Pigeaud became interested. in electricity
    generation from wind power and for 25 years worked to promote interest in the subject
    and to adapt windmills for the purpose. Secretary-treasurer of the Dutch Foundation for
    Electricity Generation by Windmills

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