
Écrits d’André Gaucheron

    Full details

    English titleWritings of André Gaucheron
    Authors & editors

    Gaucheron, Andre [Author]

    Publisher Federation Française des Amis des Moulins
    Year of publication 2006

    French (main text)

    Medium Book

    Food (non-cereal) processes > Edible oils
    People and communities > Biographies & tributes


    olive & other domestic oils

    Scope & contentSummary Translation
    A collection of articles or bulletins (nos. 3-11) written by André Gaucheron from 1987-1995.

    A collection mostly on oil mills. Bulletin no.3. (1987) Discusses the millers of Mons, and the mill which produced oil. Discusses Jean Lambert, a mill worker or owner. Gives information on oil production, the structure and type of mill that was constructed, the use of aqueducts. Also gives information on the types of machinery used for grinding mills and grain.

    Bulletin no.4. (1988) Discusses the mill and the miller in the Crèche Provençale- gives its origins, history and principal aspects. Gives information on the production of oil, and how this production increased and declined over time.

    Bulletin no.5. (1989) Discusses Jean Arène and Tourtour Mill. Gives information on Tourtour mill- a summary description of the area and the development of the mill. Jean Arène spent a lot of time at the Tourtour mill during the winter of 1986-87 when the mill was very busy although it was a tough winter as olives were not of a very good quality. Gives information on Jean Arène’s life.

    Bulletin no. 6. (1990) Discusses a Moulin à grignons au Muy (Var)(translates to Mill of the crust). Gives information on Charles Bardon, and the production of grain in this area, in the Draguignan region. Gives information on the development of the mill and its machinery.

    Bulletin no 7. (1991) Discusses who Antipater was and the Moulin de la Cascade at Lurs (Alpes-de-Haute Provence). Discusses Antipater because around this time the one of the earliest mentions of mills; their creation and development. Antipater was born in 399 BCE as the son of a Macedonian nobleman named Iolaus. Discusses Greek inventions which can arguably be the earliest forms of mills- or the technology which introduced the idea. Also discusses Vitruvius and his architecture. Bulletin no.7 also discusses and the Moulin de la Cascade à Lurs (Alpes-de-Haute Provence). This was an oil mill. Also gives information on key people such as a miller called Julian, who was born in 1914 and spent some of his life working on a farm. After the war he became involved in millwork, and worked at the Moulin de la Cascade at Lurs. Discusses the production of oil at the mill. Includes floor plans and diagrams.

    Bulletin no. 8. (1992) Discusses the Moulin du Bon Pasteur at Draguignan. There were many mills in this area but this bulletin focuses on one. Includes a section on the millwright, Léonce Buisson. Discusses the ancestry of the mill workers. Also gives information on the mill; its oil production, and its mechanisms.

    Bulletin no. 9. (1993) discusses the oil mill at Flayosquet, at Flayosc and a week-end trip in Provence (by André Gaucheron) for the discovery of other olive oil mills (11-13 December 1992).

    Bulletin no. 10. (1994) Discusses Chauvet Mill at Comps-sur-Artuby (Var). Gives information on the type of mill and its functions. Also includes a section on whether it is possible to measure the speed of the wind that is used to power the windmills, and if so, how is this possible.

    Bulletin no.11. (1995) Discusses the reason for a translation from Antipater, or why Antipater is relevant. Also gives information on other mills around the world, such as wind mills in Crete, and the largest mills in the world. Includes articles which appear to have been taken from newspapers at the end of the book. Also discusses renewable energy (wind energy).

    Copies held

    Accession no. 229257

    • Shelf location: A210-GAU