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Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 05Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1990MayDigital
Moulin de montagne. témoin du passéWehrlé, JeanMarrimpouey-Pau1990Book
Wind Energy Conversion; Proceedings of the 1990 Twelfth BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopDavies, T D; Halliday, J A; Palutikof, J PMechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.1990Symposium Transactions
Mühlen zwischen Rügen und dem Thüringer WaldJahn, Erhard; Wagenbreth, OtfriedMoritz Schäfer, Detmold1990Book
Vanished dwellings: early industrial housing in a Lancashire cotton town, PrestonMorgan, NigelMullion Books1990Book
Flour Milling Industry Training Course; Workshops and workbooks (1st & 2nd editions)National Association of British & Irish Millers (nabim)1990Container
Coal, cotton and canals: three studies in local canal historyMalet, HughNeil Richardson1990Book
Stalybridge cotton millsHaynes, IanNeil Richardson1990Book
New Mill and some other corn mills of the High PeakBryant, R MNew Mills Local History Society1990Book
Bygone BykerHarrison, Sue; Yardley, DennisNewcastle Libraries and information Service1990Book
Mountnessing windmill: how a windmill works: An illustrated transcript of the video transcriptPascal Associates1990Book
Wind Energy Conversion SystemsFreris, Leon LPrentice-Hall1990Book
Force Crag: the history of a lakeland mineTyler, IanRed Earth Publications1990Book
Schleifkotten, Mühlen und Hämmer an den Solinger BächenLunkenheimer, LudwigRheinland Verlag1990Book
Historische Wassermühlen des Kanton ZürichsKocher, HansRoschverlag, Zürich1990Book
Encyclopedia of the history of technologyMcNeil, IanRoutledge1990Book
Small scale hydro-electric power generationSalford Civil Engineering Ltd1990Brochure, leaflet or poster
Ingeniería y Arquitectura en el Renacimiento EspañolGarcia-Tapia, NicolasSecretariado de Publicaciones Universidad de Valladolid1990Book
Middeleeuwse watermolens in Hollands polderland; 1407/08 - rondom 1500: 1407/'08 - about 1500Caarten, A BickerStichting Uitgeverij Noord-Holland1990Book
Carpenter's assistant; the complete practical course in carpentry and joineryNewlands, JamesStudio Editions1990Book
Frank Meadow Sutcliffe: Photographer a third selectionShaw, MichaelSutcliffe Gallery1990Book
Technological Innovation and Industrial Organization in the Danish Wind IndustryKarnoe, PeterTaylor & Francis Ltd.1990Book
Birth of the windmill in England: a vision in verseMoore, CyrilThe author1990Brochure, leaflet or poster
History of Airton millSharp, WilliamThe author1990Book
Windmills at WhitstableRose, MichaelThe author1990Book
Watermills on the River Rea in south ShropshireBooth, D T N (Tim)The author1990Book
Chesterton mills: CambridgeshireSimms, T HThe author1990Book
Drainage windmills of the Norfolk marshes: New editionSmith, Arthur CThe author1990Book
Our Windmill Heritage: The Story of Lytham windmillAdams, MarilynThe author1990Book
Long Way from the Windmill to the Wind Power StationClaussen, DieterTIMS1990pp 151-161Article
Buckwheat handmills in BrittanyGaucheron, AndreTIMS1990Book
Watermills of AthollKerr, JohnTransactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness1990Vol LV pp 3 -24Offprint/Journal Supplement
Führung durch eine Greetsieler WindmühleBecker, Gisela; Brüning, Heiko; Schoof, LükkoVereinigung zur Erhaltung der Wind- und Wassermühlen in Niedersachsen und Bremen1990Book
Windmill: Water Mill, New YorkThompson, William CWater Mill Village Improvement Association1990Book
Mill Green mill: a short history and guideKirby, SusanWelwyn Hatfield Museum Service1990Education pack
Helius vertical axis wind turbine: construction plansWindstream Power Sytems Inc1990Plans and instructions
Salvington millNorwood, JohnWorthing Museum and Art Gallery1990Book