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Renewable energy and the tidal power optionsElliott, DavidScience and Public Policy1987October pp 257-262Article
Corn mill, Houndings Lane, Sandbach, Cheshire: a history of the millMacleod, JamieSandbach History Society1987Book
Dartmoor: pictures from the past, 1Stanbrook, ElisabethQuay Publications1987Book
Mühlenflügel und WasserradMager, JohannesVEB Fachbuchverlag1987Book
Florrie's story: life at Mortimer's Cross mill in 1919Delaney, D TThe author1987Book
Lincolnshire milling connectionsOsborne, LesLesborne Enterprizes1987Book
Practical windmilling todayOsborne, LesLesborne Enterprizes1987Book
Fitz steel overshoot water wheels: Fitz water wheel co. Hanover, Penna, USASociety for the Preservation of Old Mills1987Book
Herne mill: a technical descriptionBean, David JThe author1987Book
Ancient water wheels on the Checkley BrookRiley, GeorgeDepartment of Adult & Continuing Education, University of Keele1987Book
Life to the city: aspects of Exeter's historyMinchinton, WalterDevon Books1987Book
Last mill on the Esk: 150 years of papermakingWatson, NigelScottish Academic Press1987Book
Trem yn ôlHughes, E WynW. O. Jones (Printer)1987Book
Early dam builders in BritainBinnie, G MThomas Telford Ltd1987Book
Hour passed at Merton Abbey: one of a series of short walks in the Wandle ValleyDeSeife, TonyWandle Industrial Museum1987Book
Flouring mill machinerySociety for the Preservation of Old Mills1987Book
Various and ingenious machines of Agostino Ramelli: A classic Sixteenth-Century illustrated treatise on technologyFerguson, Eugene S; Gnudi, Martha TeachDover Publications1987Book
Molens, Mills, Muhlen, Moulins: een impressieStoorvogel, HendrikUitgeverij Bekking1987Book
WindenergietechnikNimz, GertWindenergiepark Westküste GmBH1987Book
Man, Environment, Energy 1. The PastVarious authors, ENI, Rome1987Book
West Indies: Patterns of Development, Culture and Environmental Change Since 1492Watts, DavidCambridge University Press1987Book
Guide to the industrial heritage of AvonDay, JoanAssociation for Industrial Archaeology1987Book
Senas vejdzirnavasZinatne, Riga1987Book
Moulins du MorvanRenault, NoelleLai Pouelee1987Book
Ryedale Folk MuseumHurst, J; Smith, DouglasCrossland Foundation1987Book
Vida Y technica en el RenacimeintoGarcia-Diego, Jose A; Garcia-Tapia, NicolasBiblioteca de Castilla y Leon1987Book
Molinos tradicionalesGarcia-Tapia, NicolasCentro ethnografico de documentacion1987Book
Wassermühlen der SchweizBachmann, Christian; Kitamura, KazuyukiBirkhäuser Verlag1987Book
Controls for small wind/solar battery systemsTodd, R WCentre for Alternative Technology1987Book
Stansted Mountfichet windmill: EssexLadbrooke, R VThe author1987Book
Walker Wingsail Systems PLC Offer for SubscriptionWalker Wingsail Systems PLC, Hampshire, UK1987Book
Jospehine MillTredgold, ArderneHistorical Society of Cape Town1987Book
Water powerHill, Josselin; Nixon, NigelQuarry Bank Mill Trust1987Book
Die alten Mühlen am rauschenden Bach: die alten getriede-, oel-, lohe-, knochen, and trassmuhlenSchneider, Franz; Seibel, AntonSeibel & Schneider1987Book
Presentation of the Belgian milling industry1987Book
Die alten Wassermuhlen in Appenzell InnerrhodenRusch, CarlThe author1987Book
Lee's patent windmill 1744-1747: a history of the development of the windmill fantailBuckland, J S P; Watts, MartinSPAB1987Book
Lead and life at KillhopeDurham County Council1987Book
Inventaris van de archieven van „De Hollandsche Molen”: vereniging tot behoud molens in Nederland te Amsterdam (1921) 1923-1973 (1983). Inventaris van verdwenen molensInglot, C W M; van der Flier, GStichting Molen Documentatie1987Book
KinderdijkStol, TaekeMatrijs1987Book
Harvesting the Air: Windmill Pioneers in Twelfth-Century EnglandKealey, Edward JUniversity of California Press1987Book
Moulins de l’Hérault. Dossier 7 Energies eoliennesAssociation Arts et Traditions Rurales1987Book
WindmühlenFrode, WolfgangEllert & Richter Verlag, Hamburg1987Book
Cotton in AshtonHaynes, IanLibraries and art committee1987Book
Moulins de l'ouest. Moulins des collines, des rivières, et de l’océanHomualk de Lille, CharlesVieux Chouan editions1987Book
Formby and Freshfield in times pastCountryside Publications1987Book
Weald and downland: open air museum guidebookHarris, RWeald and Downland Open Air Museum1987Book
Moulins. No.11Gaucheron, Andre; Kirch, Robert; Zaplotny, J CFederation Française des Amis des Moulins1987Book
Das Wasserrad – Technik und KulturgeschichteWolfel, WilhelmUdo Pfriemer Verlag1987Book
Mühlen in der Fränkischen Schweiz: Mills in Franconian SwitzerlandHaversath, Johann-BernhardPalm & Enke, Erlangen1987Book