Moulins de l'ouest. Moulins des collines, des rivières, et de l’océan
Full details
English title | Mills of the west. mills of the hills, rivers and the ocean. |
Authors & editors | |
Publisher | Vieux Chouan editions |
Year of publication | 1987 |
Languages | French (main text) |
Medium | Book |
Edition | 1 |
ISBN | 2908160099 |
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Scope & content | Summary translation Gives a history of the very early stages of “milling” when quern stones and mill stones were used to produce grain. Gives information on Roman mills and the origin of the Latin word “Mola” (mill). A section on quern stones; their construction and their variations. Includes diagrams. Gives information on the types of energy used- hydraulic and wind energy. Gives detailed information on how they worked- how people used them. Gives information on the mathematical equations and measurements needed to construct them, and to make them turn effectively. Gives information on the people who created them; there was a corporation- Le Saint Patron des Meuniers). A section on visiting active wind mills. For example in the Vendée du Nord region, near the farming (bocage) area, and close to the Brittany marshes in the Pays de Retz region there are two functioning wind mills. These are the moulin de Raire (Raire mill) close to Sallertine in the Challans region and close to the second- the small Moulin de Chateauneuf. Also gives a detailed account of how the mill collects and produces the grain. Includes labelled diagrams. Includes a section on the different types of wind mills in the western region of France. Takes note of the slight regional differences. Specifically mentions mills constructed in Anjou, Bretagne, and Orléans. Mentions the Breton sail mills found in the North. These windmills include the earliest type of wind mill- the round tower mill, and its subsequent variations and improvements. These improvements include changes made to the tower and the way the mills could ‘catch’ the wind. Includes diagrams of the different types of wind mills and their mechanisms. For example the Moulin à vent des Forges (Forges wind mill) in Savennieres, Anjou. Another chapter focuses on the three different types of water mill- and discusses that, in Brittany, it is difficult to find active water mills. It discusses the saying that a water mill is like a house. Another section on wave-powered water mills. Includes a series of pictures and diagrams of Kervilio mill in the Morbihan region, detailing its installation. Includes another example of a wave-powered watermill- the Nostang mill, also in the Morbihan region. Gives information on mills during the Feodalité and banalité periods - political movements in France. Psychology of milling- information on millers and society. Includes a famous riddle: “Why isn’t there anything more daring/ adventurous/ brazen than the shirt of a miller?” “Because each morning, she catches a thief by the throat.” Includes a section on wind mills and tourism- asks why this is so popular and important. Mentions images (graffiti?) found on the walls, and window frames- signs of companionship and protection against bad spirits. Ends with a section on the house of a miller in Nieul-Sur-L’Autize in the Vendee region of France. |
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