
Moulins. No.11

    Full details

    English titleMills. No. 11
    Authors & editors

    Gaucheron, Andre [Author]
    Zaplotny, J C [Author]
    Kirch, Robert [Author]

    Publisher Federation Française des Amis des Moulins
    Year of publication 1987

    French (main text)

    Medium Book

    Wind & watermills > Other Europe (not GB) > France


    olive & other domestic oils

    Copies held

    Accession no. 229470

    • Shelf location: W 11-KIR
    • Notes: Bi-annual publication by/ from the Federation Française des Amis des Moulins. Summary TranslationA collection of articles on mills. The first article focuses on the wind mill in Vensac (Vensac mill) in Gironde. It gives its geographical location. It explains that Vensac is an old village situated 60 kilometres north-west of Bordeaux, between Atlantique and Gironde. The mill was constructed on an artificial mound measuring 2 metres in height. It also gives information on the history of the Vensac mill. Its construction at the end of the 18th century in a different place to its present location- it was deconstructed and transported piece by piece across 2 kilometres to its present location. Includes an article on the wind mills of the Cornouaille Bretonne, a region of Brittany in north-western France. Gives information on their styles- for example gothic. Gives precise locations of the mills- such as Lescoff. Gives information on their similarities and differences in function and styles. Includes an illustration of the windmills in the Sud-Finistere region of France. Another section focuses on the invention of the turbine- particularly those invented and designed by Benoît Fourneyron from Saint-Étienne. Includes illustrations, mathematical equations and explanations on the precise calculations used in developing the water turbine. Discusses how much of an entrepreneur Fourneyron was. Includes a section on les moulins des roches (stone/rock mills). Mentions their use of water power, the water systems used and created. Gives information on Jonas Sandoz, an inhabitant of Locle, who had the idea to use water from the Jadis waterway/ river. Discusses his ideas and developments. Another section gives information on the Nouan wind mill (moulin a vent du Nouan) (Cher). Gives information on its history, location, mechanisms- and mostly the restoration project. Also the inauguration of the project. Shows illustrations of the project to reconstruct the roof/ cover. Gives an account of a trip to the Spanish Basque country in April 1986- gives information on the different mills found there. Includes photographs. Includes a map showing the mills included in the Association Régionale des Amis des Moulins du Querey, and illustrations of an animal-powered and a water-powered oil mill. Lastly includes a page on songs sung by the Chanteurs de Bondy (Singers of Bondy) before their performance at the Concours de l’Epi d’Or at Issodun 1978 (singing competition.)