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Vodes Mühle Kirchborchen 500 Jahre 1487-1987Anon, Förderkreis Vodes Mühle1987Book
Cotton in AshtonHaynes, IanLibraries and art committee1987Book
Eling tide mill information bookEling Tide Mill Trust1987Education pack
WindmühlenFrode, WolfgangEllert & Richter Verlag, Hamburg1987Book
Moulins de l’Hérault. Dossier 7 Energies eoliennesAssociation Arts et Traditions Rurales1987Book
Harvesting the Air: Windmill Pioneers in Twelfth-Century EnglandKealey, Edward JUniversity of California Press1987Book
KinderdijkStol, TaekeMatrijs1987Book
Inventaris van de archieven van „De Hollandsche Molen”: vereniging tot behoud molens in Nederland te Amsterdam (1921) 1923-1973 (1983). Inventaris van verdwenen molensInglot, C W M; van der Flier, GStichting Molen Documentatie1987Book
Lead and life at KillhopeDurham County Council1987Book
Presentation of the Belgian milling industry1987Book
Windmuhlen in Schleswig-Holstein in alten Ansicht, Band 2Heesch, WalterEuropaische Bibliothek1987Book
Hour passed at Merton Abbey: one of a series of short walks in the Wandle ValleyDeSeife, TonyWandle Industrial Museum1987Book
Flouring mill machinerySociety for the Preservation of Old Mills1987Book
Various and ingenious machines of Agostino Ramelli: A classic Sixteenth-Century illustrated treatise on technologyFerguson, Eugene S; Gnudi, Martha TeachDover Publications1987Book
Molens, Mills, Muhlen, Moulins: een impressieStoorvogel, HendrikUitgeverij Bekking1987Book
Through the mill: the story of Yorkshire wool in photographsBeesley, IanDalesman1987Book
Die alten Wassermuhlen in Appenzell InnerrhodenRusch, CarlThe author1987Book
Windpumping handbookFraenkel, Peter; Kenna, Jeff; Lancashire, SarahIntermediate Technology Publications1987Book
Cloth industry in the west of England: from 1640 to 1880Mann, J de LAlan Sutton1987Book
Moulin à vent et le meunier: dans la société traditionelle francaiseRivals, ClaudeSerg1987Book
Lee's patent windmill 1744-1747: a history of the development of the windmill fantailBuckland, J S P; Watts, MartinSPAB1987Book
Nutley windmill: a short history & guideGregory, Frank William; Wright, SimonUckfield & District Preservation Society1987Book
Watermills of the London countryside: their place in English landscape & life, vol.1Reid, Kenneth CCharles Skilton1987Book
Harvesting the air: Windmill pioneers in twelfth-century EnglandKealey, Edward JBoydell Press1987Book
Cereals in a European context: first European conference on food science and technologyMorton, Ian DEllis Horwood1987Book
Technologie der BrotherstellungAuerman, L JVEB Fachbuchverlag1987Book
Stansted Mountfitchet windmill: Essex 1787Farrow, Frank; Gibson, P R; Ladbrooke, R V; Saunders, H I1987Book
Hunston mill1987Book
Schiffmühlen: Eine Flotte, die fast immer vor Anker lagJüngel, KarlLandschaftsmuseum der Dübener Heide1987Book