Title | Contributors | Publisher | Year | BatchDescrip | Medium |
'The Garden of the World': An historical archaeology of sugar landscapes in the eastern Caribbean (1632) | Hicks, Dan | British Archaeological Reports | 2007 | | Book |
Bethlehem oil mill: 1745-1934: German technology in early Pennsylvania | Finke, Hans-Joachim; Huetter, Karen Zerbe; Litchfield, Carter; Young, Stephen G | Olearius Editions | 1984 | | Book |
Bittersweet: The Story of Sugar | McKinnis, Peter | Allen & Unwin | 2002 | - | Digital |
Black Labor, White Sugar: Caribbean Braceros and Their Struggle for Power in the Cuban Sugar Industry | Howard, Philip A | Louisiana State University Press | 2015 | | Book |
& winnowing of cocoa beans | | Milling & Grain | 2022 | February | Digital |
Brewers' house: a concise guide | Smekens, Frans | City of Antwerp Archaeological Museums | | | Book |
British Empire and the Suppression of the Slave Trade to Brazil: A Global History Analysis | Parron, Tâmis | Journal of World History | 2018 | March Vol 29 (1) pp. 1-36 | Digital |
British in the Caribbean | Hamshere, Cyril | Weidenfeld and Nicolson | 1972 | | Book |
British malting industry since 1830 | Clarke, Christine | Hambledon Press | 1998 | | Book |
Century of British brewers 1890 to 2004 | Barber, Norman | Brewery History Society | 2005 | | Book |
Changing sugar technology and the labour nexus: the Caribbean, 1750-1900 | Boomgaard, Peter; Oostindie, Gert | New West Indian Guide/ Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, Leiden | 1989 | 63 no: 1/2, Leiden, 3-22 | Digital |
Cider-making: an old-time Guernsey industry | | La Société Guernesiaise | | | Book |
Cidermaking | Quinion, Michael B | Shire | 1982 | | Book |
Cidermaking in Somerset | Legg, Philippa; Wells, Nancy | Somerset Rural Life Museum | 1984 | | Book |
Commonwealth within itself - The early Brazilian sugar industry, 1550-1670 | Schwartz, Stuart B | Revista de Indias | 2005 | vol. LXV, no 233 pp. 79-116 | Digital |
Confronting the Crisis of the Slave-Based Plantation System in Puerto Rico: Bureaucratic Proposals for Agricultural Modernisation, Diversification and Free Labour, c1846–1852 | Chinea, Jorge L | Journal of Latin American Studies | 2010 | vol 42 (1) 121–154 | Digital |
Contesting “White Slavery” in the Caribbean: Enslaved Africans and European Indentured Servants in Seventeenth-Century Barbados | Handler, Jerome S; Reilly, Matthew C | New West Indian Guide/ Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, Leiden | 2017 | Issue 91 pp 30-55 | Digital |
Craft Malt. From beer to bread | | Milling & Grain | 2018 | March | Digital |
Cuban Cane Sugar: a Sketch of the Industry, from Soil to Sack, Together with a Survey of the Circumstances Which Combine to Make Cuba The Sugar Bowl of the World | Wiles, Robert | Bobbs-Merrill Company | 1916 | | Book |
Cuban Sugar Industry: Transnational Networks and Engineering Migrants in Mid-nineteenth Century Cuba | Curry-Machado, Jonathan | Palgrave | 2011 | | Book |
Cwm Farm cider house Llangattock Lingoed, Monmouthshire: a restoration project by the Village Alive Trust Ymddiriedolaeth Y Pentre Byw | Evans, Eric | Village Alive Trust | 2005 | | Book |
De Slagmolen: een unieke oliemolen te Lille | Van der Branden, Walter | Levende Molens | 1990 | | Book |
Der Bau und Betrieb der Oelmühlen: ein praktisches Handbuch für Oelmüller, Mühlen- und Maschinenbauer so wie fur Unternchmer und Techniker uberhaup | Scholl, E F | Carl Wilhelm Leske Verlag | 1844 | | Facsimile reprint |
Die Grabenöle in Lüterswil | Lätt, Peter | Öliverein Lüterswil | 1998 | | Book |
Die Öle in Münsigen | Knöpfel, Paul | Verein Freunde der Öle Münsigen | 1995 | | Book |
Dispossessed Lives: Enslaved women, violence and the archive | Fuentes, Marisa J | University of Pennsylvania | 2016 | | Book |
Early use of steam power in the cane sugar industry | Brooks, Alexander; Deerr, Noel | Newcomen Society | 1941 | | Article |
Early use of steam power in the Jamaican sugar industry, 1768-1810 | Satchell, Veront M | Newcomen Society | 1996 | | Article |
Economy and material culture of slaves: Goods and chattels on the sugar plantations of Jamaica and Louisiana | McDonald, Roderick A | Louisiana State University Press | 1993 | | Book |
Écrits d’André Gaucheron | Gaucheron, Andre | Federation Française des Amis des Moulins | 2006 | | Book |
Estate ruins as loci for industrial archaeology in Jamaica | Satchell, Veront M | Industrial Archaeology Review | 2004 | XXVI (1) 37-44 | Article |
Evolution of the sugar cane mill | Brooks, Alexander; Deerr, Noel | Newcomen Society | 1941 | | Article |
Freedom and oppression of slaves in the eighteenth-century Caribbean | Stinchcombe, Arthur L | American Sociological Review | 1994 | Vol 59 (6) December pp 911-929 | Digital |
Ghani: the traditional oil mill of India | Achaya, K T | Olearius Editions | 1993 | | Book |
Hamilton's sugar mill, Nevis, Leeward Islands, Eastern Caribbean | Wright, Ann; Wright, Neil | Industrial Archaeology Review | 1991 | XIII (2), 114-141 | Article |
Histoire des domaines sucrièrs de l'ile Maurice | Rouillard, Guy | Revue Agricole et Sucrière de l'Ile Maurice | 1964 | | Article |
Historic Architecture in the Caribbean Islands | Crain, Edward E | LibraryPress@UF | 2017 | - | Digital |
History and technology of olive oil in the Holy Land | Avitsur, Shmuel; Ayalon, Etan; Frankel, Rafael | Olearius Editions | 1994 | | Book |
History of seed crushing in Great Britain | Brace, Harold W | Land Books | 1960 | | Book |
History of sugar Volume 1 | Deerr, Noel | Chapman & Hall | 1949 | | Book |
History of sugar Volume 2 | Deerr, Noel | Chapman & Hall | 1950 | | Book |
History of the British West Indies | Burns, Sir Alan | George Allen & Unwin | 1965 | | Book |
Home-grown Slaves: Women, Reproduction, and the Abolition of the Slave Trade, Jamaica 1788–1807 | Turner, Sasha | Journal of Women’s History | 2011 | Vol. 23 No. 3, 39–62. | Digital |
Horizontal sugar mills | Roberts, Niall | Mills Research Group | 1992 | - | Digital |
Hundred years of sugar refining: the story of the Love Lane Refinery 1872-1972 | Watson, J A | Tate & Lyle Refineries | 1973 | | Book |
In en om de Grutterij | Kempers, A J Bernet | Het Nederlands Openluchtmuseum | 1979 | | Book |
Industrial archaeology in Fiji | Bloomfield, G T | Industrial Archaeology | 1973 | Vol 10, February (1) pp 1-20 | Article |
Journey down an Archives Rabbit Hole | How, Neil | Internet Archive | 2023 | - | Digital |
L'Oleiculture antique en Provence: les huileries du departement du Var | Brun, Jean-Pierre | Editions du CNRS | 1986 | | Book |
Le moulin des Bouillons. Un site habite depuis 2000 ans | Duran, Frédérique; Gagnière, Sylvain; Garcin, Jean | | | | Book |