Der Bau und Betrieb der Oelmühlen: ein praktisches Handbuch für Oelmüller, Mühlen- und Maschinenbauer so wie fur Unternchmer und Techniker uberhaup
Full details
English title | Construction and operation of oil mills (vol 1 Text; vol 2 technical drawings) |
Authors & editors | |
Publisher | Carl Wilhelm Leske Verlag |
Year of publication | 1844 |
Languages | German (main text) |
Medium | Facsimile or Transcription |
Edition | 1 |
Topics | |
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Scope & content | Summary Translation Subtitle translates as: 'Described according to the latest and best inventions, with the author’s own improvements and experiences, along with an appendix on the calculation and evaluation of the power equipment (motors), A Practical Handbook for oil millers, millwrights and engineers, and for businessmen and technicians in general.' The detailed technical information is preceded by an overview of oil producing plants.Vol.2 contains only technical drawings referred to and described in this text.The print quality is slightly blurred. |
Copies held
Accession no. 22565
- Shelf location: B330-SCH
- Notes: Volume 1 of a facsimile of an 1844 handbook written in Gothic script.The print quality is slightly blurred.
Accession no. 230417
- Shelf location: B330-SCH
- Notes: Volume 2 of a facsimile of an 1844 handbook written in Gothic script.