Can you help us identify these archive photos of watermill sites? Unfortunately, many of these are left unidentified or misidentified for various reasons. We need some keen eyes to help us put names and locations to these mill sites.

Last month we published a selection of unidentified Welsh mill photos for you to help us identify. Several of you came back with some names, so thank you for your help. This month’s theme is watermill sites in the E M Gardner Collection. You can click on each image to view its catalogue entry, and you can see more unidentified watermill sites in the E M Gardner Collection here.
Unidentified mill near Newark. Gardner has only written two words on the back “Near Newark” (reference code EMGC-04-10-18)

Unidentified Mill in Caenarvonshire, taken in 1954 (reference code EMGC-04-25-18)

A watermill described as “Glen Ennison Mill” in the county of Montgomeryshire, taken in 1954 (reference code EMGC-04-25-38)

This watermill has no description with it. County, location and date are unknown (reference code EMGC-A-011)

This mill is described as possibly being in Cellan, Cardiganshire. It was taken in 1954 (reference code EMGC-04-25-20)

This mill is described as ‘Abbey Mills’, but the location is unknown. However, it appears amongst other images of Essex watermills (reference code EMGC-04-23-01)

This watermill has the name ‘Sellerbeck’ on the back. It is amongst photos of mills in Durham and Yorkshire and was taken in 1957 (reference code EMGC-05-11-58)

These remains of a watermill are possibly located in Worcestershire, photographed in 1951 (reference code EMGC-04-22-27)

If you can identify any of these watermill sites, please send your information, including the image Reference Code (e.g. EMGC-04-25-73), to