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Showing results for ( Year equals 1990 ):
Publications (Library)
Title | Contributors | Publisher | Year | BatchDescrip | Medium |
Mühlen zwischen Rügen und dem Thüringer Wald | Jahn, Erhard; Wagenbreth, Otfried | Moritz Schäfer, Detmold | 1990 | Book | |
Museum of the Hungarian village of Szentendre: a guided tour around the Open Air Ethnographic Museum of Szentendre | Kecskés, Péter | Corvina | 1990 | Book | |
New Mill and some other corn mills of the High Peak | Bryant, R M | New Mills Local History Society | 1990 | Book | |
Our Windmill Heritage: The Story of Lytham windmill | Adams, Marilyn | The author | 1990 | Book | |
Persective of wind energy: Status report | Beurskens, H J M; Lysen, E H | European Wind Energy Association | 1990 | October | Thesis/Report |
Pour connaitre les moulins d'Anjou | Cussonneau, Christian; Meuge, J; Raclin, M | L'Association des Amis des Moulins d'Anjou | 1990 | Book | |
Power from the Wind | Hydro-Electric, Edinburgh | 1990 | Brochure, leaflet or poster | ||
Quarterly; The Journal of the British Assocation of Paper Historians | BAPH | 1990 | to 2019 | Journal | |
Restoring Crabble corn mill | Scoffham, Stephen | Crabble Corn Mill Trust | 1990 | Brochure, leaflet or poster | |
Rittenhouse mill and the beginnings of papermaking in America | Green, James | Library Company of Philadelphia | 1990 | Book | |
Salvington mill | Norwood, John | Worthing Museum and Art Gallery | 1990 | Book | |
Schleifkotten, Mühlen und Hämmer an den Solinger Bächen | Lunkenheimer, Ludwig | Rheinland Verlag | 1990 | Book | |
Small scale hydro-electric power generation | Salford Civil Engineering Ltd | 1990 | Brochure, leaflet or poster | ||
Stalybridge cotton mills | Haynes, Ian | Neil Richardson | 1990 | Book | |
Steam engine: a brief history of the reciprocating engine | Law, R J | HMSO | 1990 | Book | |
Story of Marsh mill and other windmills in Wyre | Emery, Ken | Carnegie Publishing | 1990 | Book | |
Story of the 'Baxters': a history of the baking trade in Scotland and 100 years of the Scottish Association of Master Bakers | Dandie, H J | Aberdeen University Press | 1990 | Book | |
Stott Park bobbin mill | Ayris, Ian; White, Peter | English Heritage | 1990 | Book | |
Technological Innovation and Industrial Organization in the Danish Wind Industry | Karnoe, Peter | Taylor & Francis Ltd. | 1990 | Book | |
Vanished dwellings: early industrial housing in a Lancashire cotton town, Preston | Morgan, Nigel | Mullion Books | 1990 | Book | |
Wasser, Wehre und Turbinen: Alte Speicher-und Laufwasserkraftwerke | Mattner, Ulrich | Beton-Verlag, Düsseldorf | 1990 | Book | |
Water Power | Scanlon, Andrew | Hydro-Electric Commission, Tasmania | 1990 | Book | |
Watermills of Atholl | Kerr, John | Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness | 1990 | Vol LV pp 3 -24 | Offprint/Journal Supplement |
Watermills of Surrey | Stidder, Derek | Barracuda Books | 1990 | Book | |
Watermills on the River Rea in south Shropshire | Booth, D T N (Tim) | The author | 1990 | Book | |
Wave Energy Review, Progress Report 2 | Energy Technology Support Unit (ETSU) | 1990 | revised June | Thesis/Report | |
Welcome to the Sloten Windmill | 1990 | or later | Book | ||
Wheat | Scoffham, Stephen | Crabble Corn Mill Trust | 1990 | Brochure, leaflet or poster | |
Wind Energy Conversion Systems | Freris, Leon L | Prentice-Hall | 1990 | Book | |
Wind Energy Conversion; Proceedings of the 1990 Twelfth BWEA Wind Energy Workshop | Davies, T D; Halliday, J A; Palutikof, J P | Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd. | 1990 | Symposium Transactions | |
Wind energy utilisation, Status report D: evaluation of the demand side of the market | Amansberger, K; Hau, E | European Wind Energy Association | 1990 | July | Thesis/Report |
Wind, Korn und Wasser | Karstens, Uwe | Barkau | 1990 | Book | |
Windmill: Water Mill, New York | Thompson, William C | Water Mill Village Improvement Association | 1990 | Book | |
Windmills at Whitstable | Rose, Michael | The author | 1990 | Book | |
Windmühlen im Kreis Neuss | Emsbach, Karl | Kreisheimatbund Neuss | 1990 | Book | |
Windmuhlen in Schleswig-Holstein in alten Ansicht, Band 5 | Heesch, Walter | Europaische Bibliothek | 1990 | Book | |
Windpumps for irrigation | Goedhart, P D; van Dijk, H J | CWD (now TOOL), Amsterdam | 1990 | Book |