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Avoncroft museum of buildingsAvoncroft Museum of BuildingsBook
Young Mill-Wright and Miller's GuideEvans, OliverAyer Company1989Facsimile reprint
Charm of the English villageDitchfield, P HB.T. Batsford1977Book
Farming: sources for local historiansEdwards, PeterB.T. Batsford1991Book
Victorian and Edwardian windmills and watermills from old photographsMajor, J Kenneth; Watts, MartinBatsford1983Book
Industrial architecture in Britain: 1750-1939Jones, EdgarBatsford1985Book
Beamish: the north of England open air museumAllan, Rosemary EBeamish2003Book
Scythemen of BelbroughtonCope, DorothyBelbroughton History Society1989JanuaryRecording
Industrial BerkshireBerkshire County CouncilBook
Alte Mühlen in Österreich: Mühlen · Sägen · Schmieden · StampfenTrumler, GerhardBibliothek der Provinz (Verlag)2014Book
Museum Guide; Black Forest Open Air Museum VogtsbauernhofHafen, ThomasBlack Forest Open Air Museum Vogtsbauernhof2019Book
Matthew and the millerBradby, VioletBlackie & Son Ltd1909Book
Small is beautiful: a study of economics as if people matteredSchumacher, E FBlond & Briggs1973Article
Love of windmills: 25 years of paintingGarner, NoelBlurb2009Book
R. Thompson & Son, Millwrights Of Alford, Lincolnshire; Preliminary report on the foundry patterns collectionBonwick, LukeBMHC2017MarchDigital
Bradwell Windmill millwrighting report on condtion of stucture and working partsBonwick, LukeBonwick Milling Heritage Consultancy2011JulyThesis/Report
James Brindley Museum at LeekBrindley Mill Preservation Trust1990Book
Recording the presentNorrington, ValerieBritish association for local history1989Book
Caring for books and documentsBaynes-Cope, A DBritish Museum1981Book
Conservation and care of archive and library collections BSI 4971:2017British Standards Institute2017Unbound documents
Guide for the storage and exhibition of archival materials PD 5454:2012British Standards Institute2012MarchUnbound documents
Code of practice for cultural collections managment PAS 197:2009British Standards Institute2009Unbound documents
Journal 41: A review of 2018Bromyard & District Local History Society2019Journal
County maps of Jefferys and Bryant: Buckinghamshire in the 1760s and 1820sBryant, A; Jefferys, Thomas; Laxton, PaulBuckinghamshire Archaeological Society2000Book
Windmills of EssexBinks, Steven; Slaughter, RichardBulmer School1970Book
Life in rural England: occupations and pastimes in field and village, farm and home, water mill and wind millColes-Finch, WilliamC.W. Daniel1928Book
Bale Grist Mill: Symbol of pioneer times in Napa ValleyVerardo, Denzil; Verardo, JennieCalifornia State Parks Foundation1984Book
Once upon a time ...Jolin, LucyCAM; Cambridge Alumni Magazine2024Lent Term pp 28-36Digital
West Indies: Patterns of Development, Culture and Environmental Change Since 1492Watts, DavidCambridge University Press1987Book
Village carpenterRose, WalterCambridge University Press1946Book
Windmills and millwrightingFreese, StanleyCambridge University Press1957Book
Thomas Hennell: countryman, artist, writerMacLeod, MichaelCambridge University Press1988Book
First industrial revolutionDeane, PhyllisCambridge University Press1979Book
East Anglia and the FensTalbot, Rob; Whiteman, RobinCassell1996Book
Water millCastell BrothersBook
Building conservation directoryCathedral Communications2023Book
Building conservation directoryCathedral Communications2021Book
Building conservation directoryCathedral Communications2022Book
Building conservation directoryCathedral Communications2024Book
Molens, mythes en mysteries: molen-verteilingen uit Lage LandenKorver, Carolien; Steendam, EllenCeladon2007Book
Indexing: From Thesauri to the Semantic Webde Keyser, PierreChandos Publishing2012Book
Managing Archives: Foundations, Principles and PracticeWilliams, CarolineChandos Publishing2006Book
Trinity of craftsmenDerrick, FredaChapman & Hall1950Book
Old miller: and his millPearse, Mark GuyCharles H KellyBook
Selection of our stone shopCharles Ross & Son Company1917or laterCopied document
Old Water-Colour Society's Club annual volume, 40thBury, Adrian; Skilton, Charles PCharles Skilton1965Book
Some Chingford field namesBritton, A JChingford Historical Society1970Book
Das Buch der alten MühlenBrandstetter, Alois; Trumler, GerhardChristian Brandstatter1984Book
Brewers' house: a concise guideSmekens, FransCity of Antwerp Archaeological MuseumsBook
Meltdown: The Collapse of the Nuclear DreamAudrey, CrispinCollins & Brown Ltd1991Book