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Sussex windmills and their restoration: a 1970s perspectivePinney, R CSussex Industrial Archaeology Society1999Book
Restoration of Sussex Windmills, ThePinney, R CThe author1975Manuscript/Typescript
Invisible women: exposing data bias in a world designed for menPerez, Caroline CriadoVintage2020Book
Curiosity: it’s where the future startsPelletier, ChristopheMilling & Grain 2016AugustDigital
Abbeydale industrial hamletPeatman, JanetSheffield City Museums1981Book
Old miller: and his millPearse, Mark GuyCharles H KellyBook
Restoration of Wicken Mill: millwrighting, milling, and historyPearce, D LThe Mills Archive Trust2022Book
Miller in eighteenth-century Virginia: an account of mills and the craft of milling , as well as a description of the windmill near the palace of WilliamsburgPayne, LLoydColonial Williamsburg1948Book
Farm tools through the agesPartridge, MichaelOsprey Publishing1976Book
Maid of the mill: Louie Jermy of Poppyland and her times, 1864-1934Parry, Gwen MGwen M. Parry1936Book
Meadley Index to the Hull Advetiser vol 1 (1826-1845)Parry, DavidHumberside College of Further Education1987Manuscript/Typescript
WindmillsParker, Althea; Parker, EdwardAC Black1992Book
Miller's, millwright's and engineer's guidePallett, HenryHenry Carey Baird1866Copied document
Pax Economica; Left-Wing Visions of a Free Trade WorldPalen, Marc-WilliamPrinceton University Press2024Book
Art and Flour: a worldwide gallery of flour sacksPaetsch, MartinVolkmar Wymol2004Book
Copyright for Archivists and Records ManagersPadfield, TimFacet Publishing2015Book
Mechanics for the millwright, machinist, engineer, civil engineer, architect and studentOverman, FrederickLippincott, Grambo & Co1851Book
Design manual for water wheels: with details for applications to pumping water for village use and driving small machineryOvens, William GVITA Volunteers in Technical Assistance1975Book
Note on the Military Use of Mills; Food supply and strategic aspectsOrgan, MichaelMills Research Group1983OctoberDigital
Monica Dance, 1913-1998: a memorialOrchard, Philip1998Book
Shawford mill theatre: a new use for an old buildingOlive, JohnShawford Mill Theatre1985Book
Ulster libraries: archives, museums and ancestral heritage centresO'Neill, Robert KUlster Historical Foundation1997Book
Recording the presentNorrington, ValerieBritish association for local history1989Book
Mill PoetryNorchi (m Bryan), Philippa BMills Research Group1983OctoberDigital
Windmills in churchesNorchi (m Bryan), Philippa BMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Millwright's guide: a practical treatise on the construction of all kinds of mill work ...Nicholson, John1830Book
Carpenter's assistant; the complete practical course in carpentry and joineryNewlands, JamesStudio Editions1990Book
Industrial archaeology: A handbookNevell, Michael; Palmer, Marilyn; Sissons, MarkCouncil for British Archaeology2012Book
Surrey: the buildings of EnglandNairn, Ian; Pevsner, NikolausPenguin1962Book
Die WasserräderMüller, WilhelmVerlag Moritz Schafer1982Book
Warrior Queens & Quiet Revolutionaries: How Women (Also) Built the WorldMosse, KateMantle2022Book
Mølle-Marie: erindringer fra et langt og virksomt liv pa Tadre MølleMoses, SørenTadre Mølle2002Copied document
Boyd family millwrights and engineers of HullMoseley, JanetJanet Moseley2017Book
Millways of KentMorland, John KennethUniversity of N Carolina Press1958Book
Vitruvius: the ten books on architectureMorgan, Morris Hicky; Vitruvius Pollio, MarcusDover Publications1960Book
Slave Women and Reproduction in Jamaica, c .1776–1834Morgan, KennethHistorical Association2006vol 91 (302) 231-253Digital
Birth of the windmill in England: a vision in verseMoore, CyrilThe author1990Brochure, leaflet or poster
English country millwright at the end of the 19th century: Thompson's of Alford in LincolnshireMoore, ColinInternational Molinology2018(97) pp3-12Digital
English country millwright at the beginning of the 20th century: Thompson & Son of Alford in LincolnshireMoore, ColinInternational Molinology2020(101) pp 10-21Digital
Super women of maize and wheatMollins, JulieMilling & Grain 2015AprilDigital
Dutch windmills: 32 drawings in full colourMolendijk, LeenInternational Art Publishing Company GroningenBook
Die Sprache der Müller und Mühlenbauer in OstfrieslandMöhn, DieterVerlag Ostfriesische Landschaft, Aurich1986Book
London millwrights: masters and journeymen in the late 18th and early 19th centuriesMoher, James GThe Mills Archive Trust2018Book
Ballad of the leatMoat, JohnArc Publications1975Book
Kentish sources: aspects of agriculture and industryMelling, ElizabethKent County Council1961Book
Guide to Forge Mill Needle MuseumMead, BBook
Besichtigung einer WindmühleMaywald, BerndEulenspiegel, Berlin1986Book
Moulins au fil de l’eau: en AnjouMaudonnet, PaulThe author1966Book
First industrial nation: the economic history of Britain 1700-1914Mathias, PeterRoutledge1983Book
English trade tokens: the industrial revolution illustratedMathias, PeterAbelard-Schuman1962Book