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Forges de Syam: JuraBlandin, Patrick; Claerr-Roussel, Christiane; Desgranchamps, Guy; Mairot, Philippe; Poupard, LaurentInventaire General SPADEM1996Book
Early use of steam power in the Jamaican sugar industry, 1768-1810Satchell, Veront MNewcomen Society1996Article
Tranasactions of the Newcomen Society for the study of the history of engineering and technologyNewcomen Society1996Journal
Sugar and slavery, family and race; the letters and diaries of Pierre Dessalles, planter in Martinique, 1808-1856Forster, Elborg; Forster, RobertJohn Hopkins University Press1996Book
Jemmet Engineering Plans Manuals and BooksHanbury, PeterJemmet Engineering, Pinner Middlesex1996Book
Windmill weights - pictured ; identifiedLawrence, Don; Nidey, RickThe author1996Book
Mill of BenholmMiller, LesleyKincardine & Deeside District Council1996Book
Windmill WoodShaw, TonyThe author1996Book
Bakers and millers in SandwichHarlow, R SWhite Mill Folk Museum Trust1996Book
Mossley textile millsHaynes, IanNeil Richardson1996Book
Technology of gunpowder making in the 18th century, evidence from the Bristol region (BJ Buchanan)Buchanan, Brenda JNewcomen Society1996Article
Travailler au moulin / Werken met Molens: Working with millsBruggeman, Jean; Coutant, Yves; Denewet, LievenEditions ARAM Nord, Pas-de-Calais1996Book
Bygone corn mills in the Horsham areaCoomber, George H WHorsham Museum Society1996Book
Moulins hydrauliques du moyen age: l'apport des comptes des chanoines de Sens XVe siècleRouillard, JoséphineAssociation pour l'Edition et la Diffusion des Etudes Historiques1996Book
Wind farms of the UK: a guide to the wind turbines, wind farm locations ...Hannah, PaulBWEA British Wind Energy Association1996Book
History of the By brookTatem, KenEnvironment Agency1996Book
Fontaine de Vaucluse: Vallis Clausa:Maisonneuve, MichelEditions PEC1996Book
Borrowash mills on the Derwent: records of an industrial site in DerbyshireJohnson, MarionMarion Johnson Greenway Publishing1996Book
Old Derby silk mill and its rivals: an illustrated historyButterton, HarryThe author1996Book
Funds for Historic Buildings in England and Wales: A Directory of SourcesArchitectural Heritage Fund1996Book
Examining food technologyBarnett, AnneHeinemann1996Book
1996 Second European Wave Power Conference: Proceedings of the Lisbon International ConferenceEuropean Commission1996Book
Wind Energy Conversion; Proceedings of the 1996 Eighteenth BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopAnderson, MikeMechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.1996Symposium Transactions
Wave energy project results; Exploitation of tidal marine currentsEuropean Commission1996Book
Mascot Roller MillsRessler Mill Foundation1996Brochure, leaflet or poster
New Abbey cornmillTarraham, ChrisHistoric Scotland1996Book
Wind Energy in America: A HistoryUniversity of Oklahoma Press1996Book
Moller pa Lolland-FalsterNielsen, Frank VAmstcentralen i Maribo1996Book
Moulins et meuniers carolingiens dans les polyptyques entre Loire et Rhin: Mills and millers in the Carolingian polyptychs between the Loire and RhineChampion, EtienneVulcain / AEDEH1996Book
Gunpowder Mills of FernileeJoyce Winfield1996Book
Great Wave: Price Revolutions and the Rhythm of HistoryFischer, David HackettOxford University Press1996Book
Snowdonia from the air; patterns in the landscapeCrew, Peter; Musson, ChrisSnowdonia National Park Authority1996Book
Women in Industry and Technology From Prehistory to the Present Day: Current research and the museum experienceDevonshire, Amanda; Wood, BarbaraMuseum of London1996Book
Brakedrum permanent magnet alternator: windmill plansPiggott, HughThe author1996Book
12v DC to 240v AC Trapezoidal converterJemmet Engineering, Pinner Middlesex1996Book
Darrieus wind generatorJemmet Engineering, Pinner Middlesex1996Book
Low cost wind generator battery chargerJemmet Engineering, Pinner Middlesex1996Book
Faden's map of NorfolkBarringer, J C; Faden, WilliamLarks Press1996Book
Watermills and windmills of MiddlesexBlythman, GuyBaron Birch1996Book
Wind energy in America: a historyRighter, Robert WUniversity of Oklahoma Press1996Book
Leezdorfer Mühle 1896-1996Anon, 1996Book
Die Greetsieler ZwillingsmühlenSchoof, LükkoVereinigung zur Erhaltung der Wind- und Wassermühlen in Niedersachsen und Bremen1996Book
Geschichte der WasserkraftnutzungTönsmann, FrankHerkules Verlag, Kassel1996Book
Moulins à blé noir des paysans Bretons.: No. 14.Gaucheron, AndreFederation Française des Amis des Moulins1996Book
East Anglia and the FensTalbot, Rob; Whiteman, RobinCassell1996Book
Guide to the industrial archaeology of North West WalesGwyn, David; Williams, MerfynAssociation for Industrial Archaeology1996Book
Bliss mill, Chipping Norton: industrial Lancashire in the CostwoldsHurrell, HaroldThe author1996Book
Barnham windmillBarnham Windmill Supporters Group1996Book
Ailes Berton: le succès d'une inventionAmary, J F; Cussonneau, Christian; Gibbings, C; Porcher, Christian; Raclin, M; Rivals, ClaudeLes Cahiers De l’Ama1996Book
Master Bakers' book of breadmakingRoebuck, MartinNational Association of Master Bakers1996Book