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Publications (Library)

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Cruquius: description of the steam enginevan der Pols, K1982Book
Old copper mines of SnowdoniaBick, DavidPound House1982Book
Power of steam: an illustrated history of the world's steam ageBriggs, AsaMichael Joseph1982Book
Report on the fifth international symposium on molinology, France, 1982Jespersen, AndersMoldek ApS1982Book
Check list of windmill paintings by Karl WoodWilson, CatherineLincolnshire County Council1982Book
Transactions of the Fifth symposium of The International Molinological SocietyTIMS1982Symposium Transactions
Stability in windmills and the sunk postmillJarvis, Paul STIMS1982Book
Industrial Heritage of BritainBailey, BrianBook Club Associates1982Book
Theatrum machinarum molarium: oder schau-platz der Mühlen-Bau-KunstLeupold, JacobSchäfer1982Facsimile reprint
Cockermouth in pictures - 1: Industry Part OneBradbury, J BernardThe author1982Book
Old industrial sites in Wyedean: a gazetteerCross, A G RThe author1982Book
Fair wind and weather: paintings of windmills. Paintings of Charles W HowarthHowarth, Charles WWirral Borough Council Department of Leisure Services1982Book
Weald and downland open air museum: guidebookHarris, RWeald and Downland Open Air Museum1982Book
CidermakingQuinion, Michael BShire1982Book
De molens van Stramproy: hoe ze werkenvan Berckel, C E J MJ.R.Vermeulen1982Book
Die WasserräderMüller, WilhelmVerlag Moritz Schafer1982Book
Mühlen in Schleswig-HolsteinStudtje, JohannesWestholsteinische Verlagsanstalt1982Book
Mühlenkultur in Schleswig-Holstein: Die Mühlen des Kreises Eckernförde und NordfrieslandsScheffler, WolfgangKarl Wachholtz1982Book
Wind- und Wassermühlen als technische DenkmaleMaywald, BerndKulturband der DDR1982Book
Mühlen im AlsenztalWeber, Friedrich WilhelmFranz Arbogast1982Book
Vom Korn zum BrotLöber, UlrichLandesmuseum Koblenz1982Book
Venti Amica: Zeitung für MühlenfreundeVarious authors, self-published1982Book
Technische Denkmale im Bezirk PotsdamWeber, HerbertBezirksvorstand Potsdam der Gesellschaft für Denkmalpflege1982Book
Wind-Energie und ihre Ausnutzung durch WindmühlenBetz, Albertökobuch1982Book
Beiträge zur Mühlengeschicte der Stadt Preuß. OldendorfBesserer, DieterUhle & Kleimann1982Journal
Theatrum Machinarum GeneraleLeupold, JacobVDI-Verlag1982Facsimile reprint
Es klappert die MühleWeich, Richard; Windisch, Walter WolfAT Verlag, Aarau/Stuttgart1982Book
Nederlands OpenluchtmuseumStikvoort, J MGesellschaft der Freunde des Freilichtmuseums1982Book
Strom aus der LuftHennchen, NorbertIDEA1982Book
Lead and leadminingWillies, LynnShire1982Book
Essex windmills, millers and millwrights, vol 2: a technical reviewFarries, Kenneth GCharles Skilton1982Book
Little Cressingham millApling, HarryNorfolk Windmills Trust1982Book
West Blatchington windmillHayden, RogerFriends of West Blatchington Windmill1982Book
Wicklewood millApling, Harry; Shaw, J MNorfolk Windmills Trust1982Book
Windmills of HampshireTriggs, AnthonyMilestone Publications1982Book
Melin Bompren corn millWiliam, EurwynNational Museum of Wales1982Book
Help save Churchill Forge millChurchill Forge Trust1982Book
Lode mill: Anglesey Abbey, CambridgeshireNational Trust1982Brochure, leaflet or poster
Shalford millGregory, F GNational Trust1982Brochure, leaflet or poster
Power from the windCentral Electricity Generating Board1982Book
Corn windmills in Norfolk: a contemporary surveySmith, Arthur CStevenage Museum1982Book
MolenbibliografieNijhof, PDe Walburg Pers1982Book
Windmills: a project series for young people: a project series for young peopleMacGregor, Anne; MacGregor, ScottPepper Press1982Book
Luttrell village: country life in the early fourteenth centurySancha, SheilaWilliam Collins & Son1982Book
John Webb's 1804 windmill, Thaxted, Essex: a guide to the history, restoration and working of a fine 19th century tower millArman, MarkThe author1982Book
Staining millCookson, Mildred MThe author1982Book
Tockett's mill, GuisboroughHarrison, John K; Morgan, P WSouth Park Sixth Form College1982Book
Nether Alderley millBoucher, Cyril T GNational Trust1982Book
Lost windmills of FavershamViner, JohnFaversham Society1982Book
Stroudwater Valley millsMahler, Oliver; Marshfield, StevenBailey Litho1982Book