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From Millwrights to EngineersLeonard, AnneGuild of One-Name Studies2019Article
Frans Derk Pigeaud 1892-1978 ObituaryNewcomen Society1978Vol 49 p173Article
Between windmills and wind generators: The windmills of E Lancaster BurneMajor, J KennethTIMS2008pp 185-197Article
Lincolnshire milling connectionsOsborne, LesLesborne Enterprizes1987Book
Molens van de frontstreekVerpaalen, JohnStichting Levende Molens2019Book
Potto Brown: miller and village philanthropist, 1797 bicentenary, 19971997Book
Penwortham in the pastCrosby, AlanCarnegie Publishing1988Book
History of Leyland and districtHunt, DavidCarnegie Publishing1990Book
Leeghwater: idealist en molenmakerde Herder, Dirk; Monnikendam, Joep; Woestenburg, HansN.V. Drukkerij Edecea1975Book
Richard Arkwright: master spinnerArkwright Society1971Book
Taylors of Canterbury: a family storyTaylor, RuthOaten Hill and District Society1986Book
Bakers and millers in SandwichHarlow, R SWhite Mill Folk Museum Trust1996Book
Christopher Polhem 1661-1751: the Swedish DaedalusLindgren, Mikael; Sorbom, PerSveriges Tekniska Museum1985Book
Heckington in the eighteen seventiesAnon, Heckington Village TrustBook
Blanket makers: 1669-1969: a history of Charles Early & Marriott (Witney) Ltd.Early, Richard E; Plummer, AlfredAugustus M Kelley1969Book
Thomas Telford: the acclaimed biography of the 'father of civil engineering'Rolt, L T CPenguin1986Book
John Taylor: mining entrepreneur and engineer 1779-1863Burt, RogerMoorland Publishing1977Book
Copper king: a biography of Thomas Williams of LlanidanHarris, J RLandmark2003Book
Story of the 'Baxters': a history of the baking trade in Scotland and 100 years of the Scottish Association of Master BakersDandie, H JAberdeen University Press1990Book
Samuel Crompton, 1753-1827: inventeur du metier a filerDobson & Barlow Ltd1927Book
Noisiel: la Chocolaterie Menier: Seine-et-MarneCartier, Claudine; Jantzen, HélèneSPADEM1994Book
Pierre Roullet, la vie d’un meunierRivals, ClaudeEditions Jeanne Laffitte1983Book
Historical record of the Stover mills and their millers: together with genealogical charts, maps, and illustrations of the millsKuter, BarbaraGraphic Action1999Book
Wyre Estuary country park: a pictorial guideEmery, KenBook
Wey navigation: a tale of troubled watersLansdell, AvrilElmbridge Borough Council1975Book
Miller of HorncastleCussons, EileenLincolnshire Life1982Book
Caudwells of Rowsley: flour millersCaudwell, E (Rowsley) LtdE Caudwell (Rowsley) Ltd1974Book
Kendrick book: being the story of the Kendrick family, their Reading of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and the foundation of the Kendrick SchoolAppleby, H MBradley & Son1948Book
Mühle vom Rothen Strumpf: nachforschungen über ein handwerkBorchert, JürgenVerlag der Nation, Berlin1985Book
Blades in the sky: windmilling through the eyes of B.H. "Tex" BurdickBaker, T LindsayTexas Tech University Press1992Book
History of the By brookTatem, KenEnvironment Agency1996Book
Huguenots in WandsworthGwynn, R D; Shaw, R A; Thomas, PWandsworth Borough Council1985Book
Cole Valley south: the Millstream Way, the history of a Birmingham riverJones, John MorrisRiver Cole and Chinn Brook Conservation Group1989Book
Lee Valley Park: Stratford's hidden heritage: a riverside walk from Three MillsField, TaniaLee Valley Regional Park Authority1995Book
George Green: miller, SneintonBowley, R M; Challis, L J; Phillips, David; Sheard, F W; Wilkins-Jones, Frieda MNottingham Castle1976Book
Five generations of millingClaffey, John AThe author1980Book
James Brindley: millwright and canal engineer, 1716-1772Bode, HBrindley Mill Preservation Trust1972Book
Story of a family businessG.R. Wright & Sons Ltd1963Book
Christchurch miller's boyCox, Reginald ADorset County Council1974Book
Jenner & Higgs Limited: Centenary year, 1856-1956Jenner & Higgs1956Book
James Brindley, civil engineer, 1716-1772: born in the parish of WormhillHunter, A LWormhill Well-Dressing CommitteeBook
Biographical dictionary of British Quakers in commerce and industry, 1775-1920Milligan, Edward HSessions Book Trust2007Book
Medway river and valley: the story of the Medway, aspects of life on the Medway, journeyings on the MedwayColes-Finch, WilliamC.W. Daniel1929Book
Reedham rememberedHutchinson, SheilaSheila & Paul Hutchinson2006Book
James Brindley: engineer 1716-1772Boucher, Cyril T GGoose & Son1968Book
Bibby storyJ. Bibby & Sons1950Book
Millers and Methodists: Leighton Buzzard's First Steam Corn MillMesley, ChrisLeighton Buzzard and District Archaeological and Historical Society2010Book
Millgate, Aylsham: a study by the Local History Research GroupGale, Geoff; Mollard, TomPoppyland for Aylsham Local History Society2006Book
Goin' down t' th' mill: 101-year diary of the ancient Brough millEyre, WilliamWilliam Eyre1988Book
Six miles to the windmillGreaves, Annie King; Greaves, John GordonBlue Dragon Press1998Book