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Windenergie in praktischer Nutzung: Räder, Rotoren, Mühlen, Windkraftwerkevon König, FelixUdo Pfriemer Verlag1981Book
Leonardo the scientistBrizio, Anna Maria; Marinoni, Augusto; Zammattio, CarloHutchinson1981Book
Turbine water-wheel tests and power tablesHorton, Robert EK.W. Inc.1981Book
Wind power: a turning pointWorldwatch Institute1981Book
Abbeydale industrial hamletSheffield City Museums1981Book
Brilliant ray: or how the electric light was brought to Godalming in 1881Haveron, FrancisGodalming Electricity Centenary Celebrations Committee1981Book
Livre de mon moulinPetitfils, GuyEditions Stock1981Book
History of wind-power on Martha's VineyardColeman, Charles; Marks, WilliamNational Association of Wind-power Resources1981Book
Querns, millstones and grindstones made in Hathersage and districtTomlinson, Tom DHathersage Parochial Church Council1981Book
Industrial heritage in the East MidlandsEast Midlands Tourist Board1981Book
Windkracht: windwijzer voor schone energie: van poldermolen tot windturbineMoorman, BernardFutile1981Book
Onze molens mulderversjesTerlouw, Piet; Van der Pol, DickZomer und Keuning Boeken1981Book
Archaeology in Milton Keynes 1980Milton Keynes Development Corporation1981Book
La grande forgeSutterlin, ChristianEditions d'Assailly1981Book
James Watt and the steam engine: the memorial volume prepared for the committee of the Watt centenary commemoration at Birmingham 1919Dickinson, Henry Winram; Jenkins, RhysMoorland1981Book
Abbeydale industrial hamletPeatman, JanetSheffield City Museums1981Book
Aspects of irrigation with windmillsVilsteren, A VCWD: Consultancy Services Wind Energy Developing Countries1981Book
Clay that burns; a history of the Fletton brick industryHillier, RichardLondon Brick Company Ltd1981Book
Windmills and watermills open to viewWest, JennySPAB1981Book
Dragonfly wind generatorCornelius, BillThe author1981Book
Selected Papers of Boulton and Watt; The Engine Partnership, 1775–1825Tann, JenniferMIT Press, Cambridge, Mass1981Book
Miller's manualStoate, DavidThe author1981Book
Mezei műhelyekGerencsér, MiklósMagyar Mezőgazdasági Múzeum1981Book
Village of Staple Cross 1911 - 1981Peirce, Eunice IThe author1981Book
Energy from the WavesRoss, DavidPergamon Press1981Book
Fuel's Paradise: Energy Options for BritainChapman, PeterPelican1981Book
Proceedings of the Third BWEA Wind Energy Conference April 1981BHRA Fluid Engineering1981Book
Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Wind EnergyBHRA Fluid Engineering1981Book
Economic Costs of Alternative Energy SourcesParliamentary Liaison Group for Alternative Energy Strategies1981Book
Pakenham watermill, Suffolk: guideHullcoop, ChrisSuffolk Preservation Society1981Brochure, leaflet or poster
Cutcrew sawmills and the watermills of the Tiddy valleyMundy, RichardCutcrew sawmills1981Brochure, leaflet or poster
Wheels within wheels: the story of Yorkshire's millsLevon, MikeBBC Radio & John Taylor Teachers Centre1981Copied document
Theoretisch en Practisch Molenboek: voor ingenieurs, aannemers, molenmakers, en verdere bouwkundigen [for engineers, contractors, mill makers, and other construction engineers]Krook, G'S Gravenhage bij De Erven Doorman1981Facsimile reprint
Bio Gas Nepal Newsletter - no 12 (Spring)Shakti Publications, Kathmandu1981Journal
Muinos de Mares da Ria de ArousaBas Lopez, Maria BegonaBrigantium Bol Museo Arqu Hist Coruna1981Offprint/Journal Supplement
Design of water wheels - No 24 (May) pp 108-113Kawakami, KenjiroProcess: Architecture1981Offprint/Journal Supplement
Manual on the hydraulic ram for pumping waterWatt, SimonIntermediate Technology Publications1981Offprint/Journal Supplement
Updated 1980-1981 wind energy directoryWind Power Digest1981Offprint/Journal Supplement
Middlewich: the archaeological potential of a townThompson, PatienceCheshire County Council1981Thesis/Report