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Showing results for ( Topic equals Food (non-cereal) processes > Edible oils ):
Publications (Library)
Title | Contributors | Publisher | Year | BatchDescrip | Medium |
Bethlehem oil mill: 1745-1934: German technology in early Pennsylvania | Finke, Hans-Joachim; Huetter, Karen Zerbe; Litchfield, Carter; Young, Stephen G | Olearius Editions | 1984 | Book | |
De Slagmolen: een unieke oliemolen te Lille | Van der Branden, Walter | Levende Molens | 1990 | Book | |
Der Bau und Betrieb der Oelmühlen: ein praktisches Handbuch für Oelmüller, Mühlen- und Maschinenbauer so wie fur Unternchmer und Techniker uberhaup | Scholl, E F | Carl Wilhelm Leske Verlag | 1844 | Facsimile reprint | |
Die Grabenöle in Lüterswil | Lätt, Peter | Öliverein Lüterswil | 1998 | Book | |
Die Öle in Münsigen | Knöpfel, Paul | Verein Freunde der Öle Münsigen | 1995 | Book | |
Écrits d’André Gaucheron | Gaucheron, Andre | Federation Française des Amis des Moulins | 2006 | Book | |
Ghani: the traditional oil mill of India | Achaya, K T | Olearius Editions | 1993 | Book | |
History and technology of olive oil in the Holy Land | Avitsur, Shmuel; Ayalon, Etan; Frankel, Rafael | Olearius Editions | 1994 | Book | |
History of seed crushing in Great Britain | Brace, Harold W | Land Books | 1960 | Book | |
In en om de Grutterij | Kempers, A J Bernet | Het Nederlands Openluchtmuseum | 1979 | Book | |
L'Oleiculture antique en Provence: les huileries du departement du Var | Brun, Jean-Pierre | Editions du CNRS | 1986 | Book | |
Le moulin des Bouillons. Un site habite depuis 2000 ans | Duran, Frédérique; Gagnière, Sylvain; Garcin, Jean | Book | |||
Moulins à huile 1. Les Moulins de l'Herault. Arts et traditions rurales. Dossier 6. 1986 | 1986 | Book | |||
Mühlen zwischen Rügen und dem Thüringer Wald | Jahn, Erhard; Wagenbreth, Otfried | Moritz Schäfer, Detmold | 1990 | Book | |
Oil milling | Sinclair, Robert | Unilever Limited | 1956 | Book | |
Oliemolens | Kempers, A J Bernet | Het Nederlands Openluchtmuseum | 1962 | Book | |
Oliemolens | Kempers, A J Bernet | Het Nederlands Openluchtmuseum | 1979 | Book | |
Oliemolens: water-, wind- en rosoliemolens oliezaad en olie | van Bussel, Piet W E A | Bura Boeken | 2006 | Book | |
Ölmühle Pockau | Klutz, Georg; Neubauer, Heinz | Rat der Gemeinde Poacku und Ortsgruppe des Kulturbundes des DDR | Book | ||
Os Muinos de Aceite en Galicia estudo preliminar | Bas Lopez, Maria Begona | Gallaecia | 1985 | Offprint/Journal Supplement | |
Seed crushing in Gainsborough | Brace, Harold W | Lincolnshire Architectural and Archaeological Society | 1956 | Offprint/Journal Supplement | |
Seiyū roku: an English translation of the original 1836 Japanese edition | Eiko, Ariga; Litchfield, Carter; Matsukawa, Hanzan; Ōkura, Nagatsune | Olearius Editions | 1974 | Book | |
Tutsham Oil Mill: a linseed crushing plant at West Farleigh on the River Medway | Bird, Terry; Davies, Chris | The author | 2012 | Book | |
Vegetable oils and fats | McCreath, Elizabeth; Moore, Elaine | Unilever Limited | 1968 | Book | |
Wateroliemolens in het Twents-Duitse grensgebied: Een rapportage naar aanleiding van de zesde voorjaarsexcursie van T.I.M.S.-Nederland op 23 mei 1992 | Hagens, Herman | TIMS | 1995 | Book |