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Mills Consultation Group meeting to discuss From Quern to Computer

Shortly before Easter we were delighted to host a meeting of the Mills Consultation Group. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss how outcomes of our ‘From Quern to Computer’ project can be used by mills to support their interpretation of their flour milling history. The Mills Consultation Group is a forum for communication…

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Helping people at mills to care for their own collections

Last week we ran another of our training workshops called “Caring for your Collection”. This workshop was attended by people from a number of mills, who were looking for advice and the chance to build their own links in the mill world and share ideas. Our Archivist Nathanael Hodge started the day with a series…

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Sacrewell Mill nominated for two regional awards

Author: Megan Allen The £1.8m restoration of an 18th century grade II* watermill near Peterborough has been nominated for two regional awards. Sacrewell Mill reopened last July after a 12 month project joint funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the William Scott Abbott Trust, which owns Sacrewell Farm. The mill project has been nominated…

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Another ‘busman’s holiday’ – the Mills Archive visit to the Berkshire Record Office

In December, you may remember that we were visited by staff at the Berkshire Record Office. Recently, we made a return visit to BRO. I wrote about BRO’s previous visit here. BRO is in a modern purpose built archive on the outskirts of Reading Town Centre. It stands in the grounds of Yeomanry House, which houses…

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Survey of Finnish windmills published

The results of a survey of Finnish windmills have been made available online. You can view the survey here: It covers 383 post mills, 53 hollow post mills and 51 smock mills – the three main types of windmill found in Finland. A glossary of Finnish mill terms is also available. Earlier studies of Finnish…

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