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John Munnings’ Watermill Sketchbooks

Author: Laura Felton-Hustwitt For the past few weeks I have had the opportunity to look through and catalogue two of John Munnings’ watermill sketchbooks. Containing 143 sketches of water mills from all over the country, it was a long but worthwhile process scanning and recording each and every page. My job was to add the…

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‘For wheat, like men, is always found mixed good and bad, diseased and sound’!

Hello again! As I promised in my last blog in October, I’m back! My internship is continuing, after its brief interlude, and I look forward to sharing events from the Archive with you again along with interesting items and stories that I’m sure I will come across in the continuation of my project on roller…

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Workshop for the mill heritage community (featuring Mr Bean)

We were privileged to meet some hard-working people from around the country on Tuesday. The reason? We ran our annual training workshop, “Caring for your Collection”, attended by people working, volunteering and living at mills and who are just as determined to preserve milling heritage as we are! The workshop included sessions covering how to…

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We’re looking forward to tomorrow’s workshop!

We’re putting together the final preparations for tomorrow’s training workshop. “Caring for your Collection” is a regular workshop we run for people who have their own mill collections and are looking for advice on how to look after it. These workshops are popular with people working and volunteering at mills and provide those of us…

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