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Gems of the Archive: Of Camels and Dragons

After being inspired by Dutch millwrighting last week, I was intrigued to explore how other cultures have developed and used similar methods. My research led me to discover a fascinating new world of milling technology. I have grown accustomed to reading about mills driven by oxen or donkeys, but the last thing I expected to…

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Gems of the Archive: The Universal Theatre of Machines

Hello, it’s me again. Unbelievably I am now halfway through my internship at the Mills Archive (insert obligatory Bon Jovi reference here), and the gem page is really starting to fill up. This week Mildred had a treat in store for me in the form of The Universal Theatre of Machines, an original 17th-century millwright’s…

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Gems of the Archive: The Mill that Moved

Since starting at the archive five weeks ago, I have gained a real appreciation for the complexity and skill required to run and maintain these fabulous mills and their machinery. One story I discovered this week demonstrates the time and effort that volunteers and millwrights have dedicated to keep these unique parts of our heritage…

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Northwestern Miller: From Doughnuts to Dresses

Here at the archives we have a unique collection of the Northwestern Miller stretching from 1897 to 1945. This incredible collection was rebound following a grant from the Mercer’s Company over 2500 copies were rebound in Scotland in 2016 improving their access for years to come. It contains many articles, images and features on mills and milling.…

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Gems of the Archive: Water and Wind

One of the things I have realised whilst working with the collections is how inspirational traditional milling has been to a huge variety of artists. This beautiful watercolour comes from one such artist. This week I have been working on the book Windmills, a collection of watercolours and poetic anecdotes by the internationally renowned artist Frank…

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Introducing Chris: The Archive’s new Gemfinder

This week we’re excited to have a new member of the team on board: meet Chris, our brand new summer intern! Chris is a second-year History student at Reading University, with aspirations to become a future archivist. His previous volunteering placements at Canterbury Cathedral and Berkshire Record Office have encouraged Chris to develop a real…

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Gems of the Archive: The surprising link between the Mills Archive and WWI trains

Hello everyone! As Lucy mentioned last week I’m Chris and I am the new intern, I’m a Second Year History student from the University of Reading and thanks to the Reading Internship Scheme I will be working at the Archive for the next three months. I’ve been busy uncovering the fascinating story about two of…

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