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The Tide Mill: A Once and Future Thing

Author: Earl Taylor 7th ANNUAL CONFERENCE A HIT: More than fifty tide mill aficionados gathered at Kennebunkport Conservation Trust’s headquarters November 18th and 19th for Tide Mill Institute’s 7th annual conference to explore the past and future of tide mills. The illustration  is of delegates inspecting the archaeology of the 1746 Perkins grist mill at…

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Horizontal Wind-powered Tannery in Sandwich, Kent (?)

Author: Rob Cumming I’ve recently been looking through a newish website called British Newspapers Online which has a wealth of national and regional newspapers from 1750-1950. It is searchable by string (although the search engine doesn’t work too well). I’ve found some fascinating advertisements placed. The following one intrigues me, as it appears to be…

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Vote to help mill conservation in Kent

Author: Dennis Usmar The time has arrived to vote for the” Valley Conservation society” project on the Natwest Community Force site. If you haven’t already done so, please vote soon (26 days remaining) How to find the siteGoogle “Natwest Community Force” open site & register (only takes a moment) Then go to Tick the box…

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Whirly Windmills

Author: Sussex Miller A representative of a mill in Sussex has commented that they are having problems with the quality of the ‘Whirly Windmills’ obtained from a supplier based in London. Often they do not fit together, and do not rotate easily and they are finding that about two out of a box of twelve…

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Mills and Roads

Author: Lesley Candal I gather that “in the 1600’s it was an offence to build mills next to roads.” I wonder if anyone can help me identify where this information comes from? Hello, I have just found your wonderful website while I was researching 2 windmills from Lympsham in Somerset. We are a small local…

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