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Overview of the history of wind turbine development: Part 2 –The 1970s onwardGipe, Paul; Möllerström, ErikWind Engineering2022September 8Digital
Pilot of new wheat variety improves yield for Ethiopian farmersMilling & Grain 2022SeptemberDigital
Pioneering in postbioticsMilling & Grain 2022OctoberDigital
Producing protein concentrates from pulsesMilling & Grain 2022JuneDigital
Prof Dr Katharina Scherf receives 2022 Harald Perten PrizeMilling & Grain 2022MayDigital
Professional archaeology: a guide for clientsChartered Institute for Archaeologists2022Book
Regenesis; Feeding the world without devouring the planetMonbiot, GeorgeAllen Lane2022Book
Research confirms the carbon footprint of New Zealand beef and lamb is amongst the lowest in the worldMilling & Grain 2022DecemberDigital
Restoration of Wicken Mill: millwrighting, milling, and historyPearce, D LThe Mills Archive Trust2022Book
Rex Wailes Collection. Eccentric millers of oldHodge, NathanaelMilling & Grain 2022SeptemberDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. French windmillsKnight, AmandaMilling & Grain 2022OctoberDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. Marjorie Batten, windmill preservation pioneerTrout, ElizabethMilling & Grain 2022MarchDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. Stansted Windmill, EssexHodge, NathanaelMilling & Grain 2022NovemberDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. The mills of La ManchaHodge, NathanaelMilling & Grain 2022AprilDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. The Restoration of Cranbrook MillFrancis-Legg, HaydenMilling & Grain 2022FebruaryDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. The Windmills of Long Island part 1Hodge, NathanaelMilling & Grain 2022JulyDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. The Windmills of Long Island Part 2Hodge, NathanaelMilling & Grain 2022AugustDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. Windmills of FinlandHodge, NathanaelMilling & Grain 2022DecemberDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. Windmills of Nantucket, USA 1Hodge, NathanaelMilling & Grain 2022MayDigital
Rex Wailes Collection. Windmills of Nantucket, USA 2Hodge, NathanaelMilling & Grain 2022JuneDigital
Rice flour bread. The increasing popularity of rice flour as an alternative to wheat flour in JapanMilling & Grain 2022AugustDigital
Risks & opportunities. Ukraine, Turkey, the UN & Russia sign deal to unblock Ukrainian Grain exportsMilling & Grain 2022AugustDigital
Robots. Can agricultural robots reverse the trends of water resource shortage and climate change?Milling & Grain 2022DecemberDigital
Roller mills. A study of the effects of sandblasting on the surface morphology of grinding rollersMilling & Grain 2022MayDigital
Sake rice milling. The very latest developments in a fast growing industryMilling & Grain 2022MarchDigital
Schafler's Kornkraft shows its strengthMilling & Grain 2022MarchDigital
Scotland the resourcefulMilling & Grain 2022JulyDigital
SEC’s microalgae project. A step forward towards securing the supply of food and establishing resilient, sustainable agri-food systemsMilling & Grain 2022OctoberDigital
Seed trade crucial to curb global food insecurityMilling & Grain 2022OctoberDigital
Speed, the forgotten cost reduction factor in the energyvan Wijk, A J M; Wouters, FrankAcademia Letters2022June Digital
Study of the temperature rise of a roller millMilling & Grain 2022MarchDigital
Survive & advance. Selecting performance analysers to reduce waste and streamline product developmentMilling & Grain 2022DecemberDigital
Sustainability goes mainstream; A re-invention of capitalism in the matrix of our anthropocene dietCooper, JamesMilling & Grain 2022MayDigital
Sustainable Energy Systems in LAC as a part of Energy SustainabilityTama, A; Tama, A S; Tama, V CAcademia Letters2022MayDigital
Swissmill reignites historic partnership with Bühler AG Milling SolutionsMilling & Grain 2022JuneDigital
Tackling the global food crisisLe Page, MichaelNew Scientist2022May 28Article
Transforming wheat into flour. The numerous and varied tools for preparing laboratory samplesMilling & Grain 2022MayDigital
Two companies form alternative insect protein development pactMilling & Grain 2022JuneDigital
UK Government seeks to balance food-security & environmental sustainabilityMilling & Grain 2022JulyDigital
Ukraine at war. An assessment of the country’s current grain storage and transportation situationMilling & Grain 2022MayDigital
Ukraine. “The question is not whether we are moving into a global food crisis - it's how large the crisis will be”Milling & Grain 2022AprilDigital
Understanding protein variability in Canadian fieldsMilling & Grain 2022SeptemberDigital
Vegetable oil crisis in EgyptMilling & Grain 2022JulyDigital
Vestas: Wind turbine jobs boost for Isle of Wight factoryBBC News2022March 23Digital
Victoria History of Hampshire: Dummer and Kempshott, Two Chalkland ParishesButler, Jennie; Lane, SueVictoria County History2022Book
Warrior Queens & Quiet Revolutionaries: How Women (Also) Built the WorldMosse, KateMantle2022Book
Water and Steam Mills of Northamptonshire and the birth of a flourishing flour milling industryHowes, HughNorthamptonshire Industrial Archaeology Group2022Book
Wet vs dry. Understanding the difference between the two rice flour milling methodsMilling & Grain 2022JuneDigital
Whole vs refined grains. Findings of recent study indicates a link between grain choice & heart healthMilling & Grain 2022NovemberDigital
Windmills of Central Europe and beyondBignell, BillSaron Publishers, Monmouthshire2022Book