
Markets still raw with supply risk

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    Authors & editors

    Publisher Milling & Grain
    Year of publication 2022 August

    Medium Digital
    Note: Copyright restrictions mean the attachment below only contains part of the publication. The full document is available for inspection at the Mills Archive Research and Education Centre.

    Economics & commerce > Data & reviews


    food security

    Scope & contentBy Andrew Wilkinson, Milling and Grain

    The 2022 edition of the two day International Grains Conference (IGC) saw in excess of 300 delegates from more than 60 countries, enjoy the networking opportunities, with many of them forming huddles all around the second floor of the proud and historic Savoy Place hotel on the banks of the famous old River Thames.

    Presented in coordination with the Grain and Feed Trade Association (GAFTA) and the International Grain Trade Coalition (IGTC), the IGC Grains Conference forms part of a series of industry events which will be held in London, under the banner ‘London Grains Week 2022.’

    Building resilience to global market vulnerabilities
    Regional snapshot: substitution potential in food-grain markets in Asia
    Economic outlook: bottlenecks and investments in logistics and infrastructure
    Food security and trade
    Supporting and advancing our common Grain Trade interests
    Trade finance: the future of carbon trading
    Trade policy: sustainability criteria and trade policy
    Climate change: future of the biofuels sector amid decarbonisation policies
    Maize: 2022/23 trade prospects, with a special focus on infrastructure and logistics in key exporters
    Rice: Perspectives on logistical disruption to trade amid turbulence in container freight markets
    Wheat: What’s in store for the disrupted market?
    Soyabeans: Domestic and international demand requirements – priorities among key global suppliers
    Rapeseed/Canola: Mitigating trade risks in a market that is heavily reliant on a small number of exporters
    Pulses: Will Asia continue to drive world trade in the future?


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