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Publications (Library)

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Irish flour milling: a history 600-2000Bielenberg, AndyLilliput Press2003Book
Irish flour milling: a history 600-2000Bielenberg, AndyLilliput Press2003Book
How to build a wind turbine: The axial flux alternator windmill plans; July 2003 editionPiggott, HughThe author2003Book
Holgate windmill: YorkAnderton, Bob; Green, RichardHolgate Windmill Preservation Society2003Book
Historische Mühlen und ihre Technik: kunstlerische und technische zeichnungen von Rudiger Hagen [Artistic and technical drawings by Rudiger Hagen]Hagen, RüdigerReprint Verlag Leipzig2003Book
Guide to the industrial archaeology of South-East Wales: Powerhouse of industryAssociation for Industrial Archaeology2003Book
From Farmer to Factory Owner Models, Methodology and Industrialisation; Archaeological Approaches to the Industrial Revolution in North West EnglandNevell, MichaelArchaeology North West2003Vol 6 (Issue 16, for 2001-3)Digital
Flour power: the significance of flour milling at the FallsDanbom, David BMinnesota Historical Society2003Spring/Summer pp 271-285Article
Energy, Society and EnvironmentElliott, DavidRoutledge2003Book
Energy Systems and Sustainability: Power for a Sustainable FutureBoyle, Godfrey; Everett, Bob; Ramage, JaneOxford University Press2003Book
Elterwater Gunpowder Works, Cumbria: an archaeological and historical surveyDunn, Christopher; Jecock, Marcus; Lax, AmyEnglish Heritage2003Book
Each Mor DubhTiree and Coll Gaelic Partnership2003Book
Driven by the Dane: Nine centuries of waterpower in South Cheshire and North StaffordshireBonson, TonyMidland Wind & Water Mills Group2003Book
Drainage of the FensHills, Richard LLandmark2003Book
Diary of exploration - Wet Earth Colliery: Volume 1Wright, Mark David2003Book
Derbyshire windmills past & presentGifford, AlanMidland Wind & Water Mills Group2003Book
Der Savonius-RotorSchulz, Heinzökobuch2003Book
Das kleine Windenergie WerkbuchStempel, Ulrich EFranzis’ Verlag2003Book
Could the UK's tides help wean us off fossil fuels?Rowlatt, JustinBBC News2003October 22Digital
Copper king: a biography of Thomas Williams of LlanidanHarris, J RLandmark2003Book
Colthrop mills rememberedDoe, RobinRobin Doe2003Book
Claverton pumping station: a definitive studyDanks, WarwickKennet and Avon Canal Trust2003Book
Chilworth Gunpowder works, SurreyCocroft, WayneEnglish Heritage2003Book
Carrock: and the mines of Skiddaw and BlencathraTyler, IanBlue Rock2003Book
Buttrums tower millDolman, Peter C J; Whitworth, MartinSuffolk County Council2003Book
Buttrum's Mill, WoodbridgeDolman, Peter C J; Whitworth, MartinSuffolk County Council2003Book
Build your own wind powered generatorDahl, JeffThe author2003Plans and instructions
Brief history of the Cranbrook Windmill AssociationCranbrook Windmill Association2003Book
Brakedrum alternator: March 2003 updatePiggott, HughThe author2003Book
Berney Arms rememberedHutchinson, SheilaSheila & Paul Hutchinson2003Book
Before the Wells Run Dry: Ireland's Transition to Renewable EnergyDouthwaite, RichardFeasta2003Book
Beamish: the north of England open air museumAllan, Rosemary EBeamish2003Book
Baker run-in-oil windmillsHeller-Aller Co, Ohio2003Unbound documents
Archaeology of the English windmill c.1200 - c.1700 (Dissertation)Bonwick, LukeUniversity of Reading2003Thesis/Report
Annual Report and Accounts 2002/03National Grid Transco2003Book