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Showing results for ( Year equals 1998 ):

Publications (Library)

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Cley Mill, Cley-next-the-Sea, NorfolkThe owner1998Brochure, leaflet or poster
Moulins de la MeuseCulot, Maurice1998Book
Green windmill; free energy for the 21st centuryGreen, Robert RThe editor1998Plans and instructions
Consideracions xerais pro estudo dos muinos en GaliciaBas Lopez, Maria BegonaCuadernos de Estudios Gallegos1998vol 32 (96-97) 329-344Offprint/Journal Supplement
Watermills of Hampshire 1978-1998Hampshire Mills Group1998Book
La Fabrique des Poudres et Salpêtres du Ripault 1786-1817Guenand, AgatheUniversité François Rabelais- Tours1998Book
Windmuhlen in Braunschweiger LandEichhorn, HeinzAppelhans verlag1998Brochure, leaflet or poster
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 13Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1998SpringDigital
Unbridled Spirits Women of the English Revolution 1640 -1660Davies, StevieThe Women's Press1998Journal
Wind Energy: Switch on to Wind Power. Proceedings of the 1998 Twentieth BWEA Wind Energy ConferenceMechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.1998Book