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Publications (Library)

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First industrial revolutionDeane, PhyllisCambridge University Press1979Book
From watermills to waterworks at ChristchurchDear, G MBournemouth Local Studies Publications1979Book
Glossary of words and dialect formerly used in the Sheffield tradesDyson, B RonaldSheffield Trades Historical Society1979Book
Molinological conference: wind and water mills, millwrighting and millingField, MichaelSPAB1979Book
Suffolk windmillsFlint, BrianBoydell Press1979Book
Class struggle and the industrial revolution: early industrial capitalism in three English townsFoster, JohnMethuen1979Book
Power Guide: A Catalogue of Small Scale Power EquipmentFraenkel, PeterIntermediate Technology Publications1979Book
Bradshaw Works: history of Bradshaw, part 2Francis, James JTurton Local History Society1979Book
Maize, the wheat and the rye: a nostalgic look at Essex windmillsGifford, P R; Pargeter, Vincent GEssex County Library1979Book
Grain: Dagon Collection; Archaeological Museum of Grain Handling in IsraelGonen, RivkaShikmona Publishing Company Ltd, Jerusalem1979Book
Molens Mulders Meesters: Negen eeuwen watermolens in de Gelderse Achterhoek, Salland en TwenteHagens, HermanNV Uitgeverij Smit van 18761979Book
120 Watt wind generator DIY plansHanbury, PeterThe author1979Book
Amoskeag: life and work in an American factory city in New EnglandHareven, Tamara K; Langenbach, RandolphMethuen1979Book
House Mill: Application for planning permission and listed building consentHarrap, JulianThe author1979Book
Volledig molenboek: naar de behoefte van den tegenwoordigen tijd ingerigt, bevattende de beschrijving en afbeelding der meest in gebruik zijnde molens, met derzelver platte gronden, opstanden, onderdeelen, enz.Harte, J H; Klaver, JLykele Jansma1979Facsimile reprint
Brief history of papermakingHills, Richard LNorth Western Museum of Science & Industry1979Book
Water power: how it worksHoward, Robert AEleutherian Mills-Hagley Foundation1979Book
World industrial archaeologyHudson, KennethCambridge University Press1979Book
Waterpower in the Century of the Steam Engine; Volume 1 of a History of Industrial Power in the United States, 1780-1930Hunter, Lewis CUniversity Press of Virginia for the Eleutharian Mills-Hagley Foundation1979Book
Wind Energy: the generation, storage and conversion of wind power for practical use todayHurst, John; Kovarik, Tom; Pipher, CharlesDomus Books1979Book
Industrial archaeology in the Isle of WightInsole, Allan; Parker, AlanIsle of Wight County Council1979Book
Stelling Minnis millJarvis, Paul S; McKean, Sylvia; Newble, ErnestEast Kent Mills Group1979Book
Archival and field survey of McCosh's Mill: West Point Lake, AlabamaJeane, GregoryAuburn University1979Book
Langstone: a mill in a million, a narrative and pictorial account of an artist's home ...Joicey, RichardIan Harrap1979Book
Mucking windmill and Mucking post-excavation 1979Jones, M U; Jones, W TThurrock Museum1979Book
In en om de GrutterijKempers, A J BernetHet Nederlands Openluchtmuseum1979Book
OliemolensKempers, A J BernetHet Nederlands Openluchtmuseum1979Book
In en om de GrutterijKempers, A J BernetHet Nederlands Openluchtmuseum1979Book
Water-power on the farmKindig, SteveTIMS1979Book
How to make home electricity from wind, water and sunshineKuecken, John ATab Books1979Book
Stansted Mountfichet windmill: EssexLadbrooke, R VThe author1979Book
Fejezetek Pest Megye TortenetebolLajos, JakusStudia Comitatensia1979Article
N.E.A. wind power booklet: a practical guide to available wind generatorsLangdon-Davies, TomNatural Energy Association1979Book
History of the Lewisham silk millsMacartney, Sylvia; West, JohnLewisham Local History Society1979Book
How to build a "Cretan Sail" windmill for use in low-speed wind conditionsMann, R DIntermediate Technology Publications1979Book
Verdwenen windmolens in Zuid-Holland: Van Delfshaven tot Leiden langs de Schie en de VlietMarrenga-Stapf, A JBura Boeken1979Book
First book on food and nutritionMatthews, Wendy; Wells, DilysForbes Publications Ltd1979Book
Spinner's workshop: a social history and practical guideMercer, JohnPrism Press1979Book
Zaanse MolenMoelker, H PUitgave BVP1979Book
Literature survey and data search related to tidal current energy devices and systems: Final ReportMorgan, B ECentral Research Laboratories1979MayThesis/Report
Moulin de la Galette. Un Pari dans ParisMorvan, Henri1979Book
History of the Cross-in-Hand windmill: and of the Newnham and Ashdown familiesNewnham, C JEast Sussex County Council1979Book
Norias in Vietnam; water-elevating instrument to irrigated fieldsNguyen Trong Lec, Workshop on water lifting devices in Asia and the near-East, Bangkok1979December 4 -14Article
Les Moulins: les moulins à vent; les moulins à eauOrsatelli, JeanJeanne Lafitte1979Book
Watermills and windmills of CranbrookPile, C C RCranbrook and District Local History Society1979Book
Leonardo da Vinci: drawings of textile machinesPonting, Kenneth GMoonraker Press1979Book
Mühlen in OstfrieslandSaathof, GerdOstfriesische Landschaft1979Book
Theatrum machinarum universale of groot algemeen moolen-boekSchenk, PetrusT. Wever B. V.1979Facsimile reprint
Die Papiermuehlen und Papiermacher des Bergischen StrundertalsSchmitz, Dr FerdinandHeider-Verlag, Bergisch Gladback1979Book
Warwickshire windmills: a gazeteer of records compiled from historical evidenceSeaby, Wilfred AWarwickshire Museum1979Book