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Publications (Library)

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Molens van het NoordererfVan der Molen, S JDe Walburg Pers1979Book
Windmills and watermillsVialls, ChristineAC Black1979Book
Nederlandse Molens in oude ansichten deel 2Visser, Herman AEuropese Bibliotheek1979Book
Source book of windmills and watermillsWailes, RexWard Lock1979Book
Windmills of KentWest, JennySkilton & Shaw1979Book
Restoration of Little Hallingbury water millWilkinson, JohnThe author1979Book
Woad in the FensWills, Norman TThe author1979Book
Die letzte SchiffmühleWinkler, WillyLandschaftsmuseum der Dübener Heide1979Book