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Publications (Library)

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Mills of the OckWantage Industrial Archaeology Group1978Book
Worsbrough mill museumShorland-Ball, RobSouth Yorkshire County Council1978Book
Windmills on Cape Cod and the islandsBurrows, Fredrika AWilliam S Sullwold1978Book
Visitors guide to Styal Quarry Bank millRose, MaryNational Trust1978Brochure, leaflet or poster
Perry County grist mills: 1762-1978Eby, Eugene EThe author1978Book
Josephine mill and its ownersWalton, JamesThe author1978Book
Eastern Washington's vanished grist mills: and the men who ran themSherfey, Florence EYe Galleon Press1978Book
Miller's tale: A history of J. Bibby & Sons Ltd, LiverpoolBibby, C L; Bibby, J BJ. Bibby & Sons1978Book
Run of the mill: a pictorial narrative of the expansion, dominion, decline and enduring impact of the New England textile industryDunwell, SteveDavid R Godine1978Book
Inventions of Leonardo da VinciGibbs-Smith, CharlesPhaidon1978Book
Harnessing the wind for home energyMcGuigan, DermotGarden Way Publishing1978Book
Bridge Hall mills: three centuries of paper and cellulose film manufactureTillmanns, MartinTransparent Paper Ltd1978Book
Inventions of Leonardo da VinciGibbs-Smith, CharlesPhaidon1978Book
Report on the Third International Conference on Industrial MonumentsJespersen, AndersThe author1978Book
Mr Tulip grinds to a haltMasters, ChristopherFrederick Warne1978Book
Papermaking: the history and technique of an ancient craftHunter, DardDover Publications1978Book
Fundamentals of wind energyChereminisoff, Nicholas PAnn Arbor Science1978Book
I bought a windmillAdair, ElizabethAberdeen University Press1978Book
Wells and water supplyVince, JohnShire1978Book
Mills and millwrightingVince, JohnShire1978Book
Flint: the versatile stoneMason, H JProvidence Press1978Book
Guide to the industrial heritage of MerseysideChitty, Michael; Rees, PaulNorth Western Society for Industrial Archaeology and History1978Book
Windenergie in praktischer Nützung: Räder, Rotoren, Mühlen, Windkraftwerkevon König, FelixUdo Pfriemer Verlag1978Book
Bogen om vindmøllerBugge, Jacob A ChrClausen Bøger1978Book
Cromford Canal Company, 1789-1852Walker, J WCromford Canal Society1978Book
Archaeology in the Peak National ParkBarker, Graeme; Hodges, RichardPeak National Park1978Book
Niedersächsische MühlengeschichteKleeberg, WilhelmSchlütersche1978Book
Bilddokumente römischer TechnikKretschmer, FritzVDI-Verlag1978Book
Domesday book: Derbyshire, 27Morgan, Philip; Morris, JohnPhillimore1978Facsimile reprint
Chimney mill: Newcastle upon TyneStephen Falconer Partnership1978Book
On high, apparent landHolden, MollyAllan Myall1978Brochure, leaflet or poster
Grist mills of early America and today: together with recipes using their products...and notes and illustrations of other early millsSmith, Elmer LApplied Arts Publishers1978Book
Les Moulins; Publication semestrielle de la Federation Francais des Amis des MoulinsFFAM1978Journal
Cibinium:studien und miteilungen aus dem Hermannstadter Freilichtmuseum der Baurlichen TechnikMuzeul Brukenthal Sibiu1978Book
Power inverter technologyLindsay, T JLindsay Publications1978Book
Mechanix Illustrated budget windchargerCBS Publications, USA1978Book
Sencenbaugh Wind Electic Catalog 1078Sencenbaugh, JamesSencenbaugh Wind Electric, Palo Alto1978Book
History of technology Vol. VI: The Twentieth Century, c.1900 to c.1950 Part 1Williams, Trevor IClarendon Press1978Book
History of technology Vol. VII: The Twentieth Century, c.1900 to c.1950 Part 2Williams, Trevor IClarendon Press1978Book
Cornish ExplosivesEarl, M.Sc, BryanThe Trevithick Society1978Book
Some considerations over the care of windmills in Flanders1978Manuscript/Typescript
Komaromi mestersegekKecskes, LaszloMadach1978Book
Ludowe urzadzenia energetyczne i mechaniczne o Napedzie wodnym na PodhaluJost, HenrykPolski Akademia Nauk1978Book
An Alternative Strategy for the United KingdomAlty, C. J. N.; Hall, D. O.; McVeigh, J. C.; Musgrove, Peter; Platts, M. J.; Schumacher, P. C.; Todd, R WCentre for Alternative Technology1978Book
Windscale Fallout: A Primer for the Age of Nuclear ControversyBreach, IanPenguin1978Book
Papers presented at the Second International Symposium on Wind Energy Systems. Volume 1BHRA Fluid Engineering1978Book
Papers presented at the Second International Symposium on Wind Energy Systems. Volume 2BHRA Fluid Engineering1978Book
Energy Policy: A Consultative DocumentHer Majesty's Stationery Office1978Book
Windmills & watermills; open days and arrangements for visitingWest, JennySPAB1978Manuscript/Typescript
Alternative energy strategy for the United KingdomTodd, R WCentre for Alternative Technology1978Book