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Windmill Sketches for Troubadour or Concert HarpBarber, GailThe author1970Book
Day in the life of the watermillJones, Ana; Jones, Nick; Martin, Sophie2009Book
Windmill weights - pictured ; identifiedLawrence, Don; Nidey, RickThe author1996Book
Colvin Run Mill Historic District, Fairfax County, VirginiaVirginia Offcie of Planning1972Book
Principles and practice in watermill repairSPAB2005Book
Windmill drawingsLines, VincentSPAB2009Book
Barns and workshops: West Yorkshire Folk MuseumInnes, R ACounty Borough of Halifax1966Book
Maid of the mill: Louie Jermy of Poppyland and her times, 1864-1934Parry, Gwen MGwen M. Parry1936Book
In en om de GrutterijKempers, A J BernetHet Nederlands Openluchtmuseum1979Book
Brewers' house: a concise guideSmekens, FransCity of Antwerp Archaeological MuseumsBook
Mills and millwrightingVince, JohnShire1978Book
Agricultural implement makersScourfield, ElfynWelsh Folk Museum1983Book
Illustrated price list of agricultural implements and machines manufactured by Williamson Brothers: Stainton, near KendalThomas AtkinsonBook
Design manual for water wheels: with details for applications to pumping water for village use and driving small machineryOvens, William GVITA Volunteers in Technical Assistance1975Book
Monitor grain cleaners: scourers and polishersHuntley Manufacturing Co.Book
John Staniar & Co., mill furnishersJohn Staniar & Co.Book
Preliminary analysis of the development of the gearing in watermills in Western EuropeJespersen, AndersVirum1953Book
Water millCastell BrothersBook
Miscellany of millingBean, David JThe author1986Book
Birth of the windmill in England: a vision in verseMoore, CyrilThe author1990Brochure, leaflet or poster
Miscellany of millingBean, David JFriends of Herne Mill1991Book
Mill times past: Mortimer's Cross millDelaney, D TThe author1994Book
Miller's daughterCatt, PhyllisThe authorBook
Monica Dance, 1913-1998: a memorialOrchard, Philip1998Book
Whitmore and Binyon engineers and millwrights of Wickham market: SuffolkCockburn, PhyllisThe author2005Book
Florrie's story: life at Mortimer's Cross mill in 1919Delaney, D TThe author1987Book
Moulins à eau en Poitou-CharentesCouraud, Emile; Morin, MichèleAlan Sutton2006Book
Moulins à eau en FranceCouraud, Emile; Morin, MichèleAlan Sutton2005Book
Meuniers, meunières: noblesse farinièreAzéma, Jean-Pierre HenriAlan Sutton2008Book
Industrial revolutionDawson, KeithPan1972Book
Onze molens mulderversjesTerlouw, Piet; Van der Pol, DickZomer und Keuning Boeken1981Book
On high, apparent landHolden, MollyAllan Myall1978Brochure, leaflet or poster
Hagley Museum, Wilmington Delaware: A story of early industry on the BrandywineAnon, Eleutherian Mills-Hagley Foundation1957Book
Each Mor DubhTiree and Coll Gaelic Partnership2003Book
Lietuvos MalnaiKligiene, MimozaMaldzio Fondas2007Book
Paper Mills and Paper Makers In England 1495-1800/ Monumenta Chartae Papyraceae Historiam Illustrantia or Collection of Works and Documents Illustrating the History of Paper- VIShorter, Alfred HPaper Publications Society, Holland1957Book
Restoration of Sussex Windmills, ThePinney, R CThe author1975Manuscript/Typescript
Holman Bros., Millwrights of Canterbury: A HistoryBoocock, Guy; Cookson, Mildred M; Trout, ElizabethThe Mills Archive Trust2014Website
WindmühlenDollhopf, HelmutW. Tummels2011Book
Das Buch der alten MühlenBrandstetter, Alois; Trumler, GerhardChristian Brandstatter1984Book
Leeghwater: idealist en molenmakerde Herder, Dirk; Monnikendam, Joep; Woestenburg, HansN.V. Drukkerij Edecea1975Book
Abbeydale industrial hamletPeatman, JanetSheffield City Museums1981Book
Avoncroft museum of buildingsAvoncroft Museum of BuildingsBook
Dean heritage centre: the museum of the forestDean Heritage Museum TrustBook
Somerset Rural Life MuseumBrown, MartynSomerset County Museums Service1982Book
Die Kulturgeschichte der MühlenMager, Johannes; Meissner, Günter; Orf, WolfgangEdition Leipzig1988Book
Moulins au fil de l’eau: en AnjouMaudonnet, PaulThe author1966Book
Living on the land: rural life in the Welwyn-Hatfield area from prehistoric times to the presentAgate, SusanWelwyn Hatfield Museum Service1979Book
Rural economy and country life in the medieval WestDuby, Georges; Postan, CynthiaEdward Arnold1968Book
Wow!: how does one move a windmill?Hickmet, NevvarThe author1964Book