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Die Schelmenstreiche des Müllers Hundt aus WoldegkAnon, Interessengemeinschaft "Mühlenensemble" WoldegkBook
Mill News 1981-1992SPABJournal
Alte Mühlen, Ein LesebuchDollhopf, Helmut; Liedel, HerbertStürtz Verlag, WürzburgBook
Industrial BerkshireBerkshire County CouncilBook
Der volle SackSellschopp, Ekkehardprivately printedBook
Lanreath mill & farm museum catalogue of exhibitsEnglish Life PublicationsBook
Occupations of enslaved women on Buff Bay Plantation, 1819UCL database: Legacies of British Slavery Website
Write for charity: How to write effectively for your charity's marketing, publications and websiteBurrows, Gideonngo.mediaBook
Mill News 1993-1999SPABJournal
Mill News 2006-January 2012SPABJournal
Mill News 2000-2005SPABJournal
Tool & Trade History Society Journal 1983-2005 (nos 1- 14) & Newsletters 2006-2010 (nos 92-108)Journal
Experienced millwright, or a treatise on the construction of some of the most useful machines With the Latest Improvements ; to which is Prefixed, A Short Account of the General Principles of Mechanics, and of the Mechanical Powers ; Illustrated with Forty-four EngravingsGray, AndrewArchibald Constable & Co1806digitised 2022Digital
Young mill-wright and miller's guideEvans, OliverM Carey & Son, Philadelphia1821Book
Millwright's guide: a practical treatise on the construction of all kinds of mill work ...Nicholson, John1830Book
Young mill-wright and miller's guideEvans, OliverLea and Blanchard1846Book
Mechanics for the millwright, machinist, engineer, civil engineer, architect and studentOverman, FrederickLippincott, Grambo & Co1851Book
American miller and millwright's assistantHughes, William CHenry Carey Baird1851Book
Miller's, millwright's and engineer's guidePallett, HenryHenry Carey Baird1866Copied document
Construction of mill damsLeffel, JamesNoyes Press1881Facsimile reprint
Leffel’s construction of mill dams and Bookwalter’s millwright and mechanicJames Leffel & Co.1881Facsimile reprint
Jan of the windmill: a story of the plainsEwing, Juliana HoratiaSociety for Promoting Christian Knowledge1884Book
Jan of the windmill: a story of the plainsEwing, Juliana HoratiaGeorge Bell & Sons1899Book
Miller and millwrightAbernathy, R JamesDixie Miller Company1904Book
Meister Prufungs Ordnung fur die Handwerke der Mauerer Zimmerer Steinmeke Muhlenbauer1909Book
Matthew and the millerBradby, VioletBlackie & Son Ltd1909Book
Meister-Prüfungs-Ordnung D für die Handwerke der Maurer, Zimmerer, Steinmetze, MühlenbauerAnon, Handwerkskammer zu Harburg1909Book
Book of wrinkles: a collection of handy labor-saving devices and ideas for the use of millers and millwrightsMitchell Brothers1912Book
Miscellaneous one inch Ordnance Survey MapsHMSO1913Map
Selection of our stone shopCharles Ross & Son Company1917or laterCopied document
Roller mill and silo manual; a ready refence book for th emodern miller and millwrightNorthern Publishing Co Ltd1921Book
Jan of the windmill: a story of the plainsEwing, Juliana HoratiaG Bell and Sons1921Book
WindmillsBrangwyn, Frank; Preston, HayterJohn Lane The Bodley Head1923Book
Sound of the millHay, JamesNorthern Publishing Co1924Book
Life in rural England: occupations and pastimes in field and village, farm and home, water mill and wind millColes-Finch, WilliamC.W. Daniel1928Book
Windmills in SussexFowell, G M; Hughes, A FoordWalker's Galleries1930Book
English scene: the spirit of England in the monuments of her social life and industrial historyCarton, RonaldAC Black1930Book
J WhatmanBalston Ltd, W L R1931Book
In praise of windmillsSPAB1935Book
Maid of the mill: Louie Jermy of Poppyland and her times, 1864-1934Parry, Gwen MGwen M. Parry1936Book
Seeing for myself; Agricultural conditions around the worldHind, E CoraMacmillan1937Book
Village carpenterRose, WalterCambridge University Press1946Book
Where man belongsMassingham, H JJ P Collins & Co. Norwich, Conn1946Book
Countryman at work: With a memoir of the author by H.J. MassinghamHennell, ThomasArchitectural Press1947Book
War Record of Hovis Ltd 1939-1945Wood, AlanThe Company1947Article
Crafts of the countrysideStowe, E JLongmans, Green & Co1948Book
Miller in eighteenth-century Virginia: an account of mills and the craft of milling , as well as a description of the windmill near the palace of WilliamsburgPayne, LLoydColonial Williamsburg1948Book
Brake wheels and wallowersClark, H O; Wailes, RexNewcomen Society1948Manuscript/Typescript
Presentation of the Thomas Burr Osborne medal to Betty SullivanSullivan, BettyAmerican Association of Cereal Chemists1948Offprint/Journal Supplement
Dusty's windmillBarne, KittyJM Dent & Sons1949Book