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Die Schelmenstreiche des Müllers Hundt aus WoldegkAnon, Interessengemeinschaft "Mühlenensemble" WoldegkBook
Die Sprache der Müller und Mühlenbauer in OstfrieslandMöhn, DieterVerlag Ostfriesische Landschaft, Aurich1986Book
Die WasserräderMüller, WilhelmVerlag Moritz Schafer1982Book
Digital-Preservation-for-Small-Businesses: an introductory guideDigital Preservation Coalition, TheArchives and Records Council Wales2022AugustDigital
Directory of Agricultural Machinery and Implement Makers in WalesScourfield, ElfynNational Museum of WalesBook
Dispossessed Lives: Enslaved women, violence and the archiveFuentes, Marisa JUniversity of Pennsylvania2016Book
Dorothea: restoration engineers limitedDorothea Restoration Engineers LimitedBook
Douai Abbey Library: a short history and guideScott, GeoffreyWeldon Press2017Book
Drive to the stones in windmilsWailes, RexNewcomen Society1959Offprint/Journal Supplement
Dulverton Weir restoration projectDulverton Wier & Leat Consevation Trust2022Book
Dust Storms, Grasshoppers, Race, Gender and War – 1930-1939 (The Northwestern Miller)Rose, StarlinaThe Mills Archive Trust2023Book
Dusty's windmillBarne, KittyJM Dent & Sons1949Book
Dutch windmills: 32 drawings in full colourMolendijk, LeenInternational Art Publishing Company GroningenBook
Each Mor DubhTiree and Coll Gaelic Partnership2003Book
East Anglia and the FensTalbot, Rob; Whiteman, RobinCassell1996Book
Enekes Konyve (2 volumes)Ferenc, WathayBook
Energy Group, University of ReadingUniversity of ReadingundatedBook
Engineers of mills in the later middle agesLangdon, JohnSPAB2007Book
English country millwright at the beginning of the 20th century: Thompson & Son of Alford in LincolnshireMoore, ColinInternational Molinology2020(101) pp 10-21Digital
English country millwright at the end of the 19th century: Thompson's of Alford in LincolnshireMoore, ColinInternational Molinology2018(97) pp3-12Digital
English mill: mills in art and archaeologyTowner Art Gallery and Local History Museum1984Book
English scene: the spirit of England in the monuments of her social life and industrial historyCarton, RonaldAC Black1930Book
English trade tokens: the industrial revolution illustratedMathias, PeterAbelard-Schuman1962Book
Environmental Impact and Digital Preservation; Memory RisingTansey, EiraDigital Preservation Coalition2024AprilDigital
Essex at work: 1700-1815Brown, A F JEssex County Council1969Book
Everything I know about life I learned from PowerPointDavies, RussellProfile Books2021Book
Experienced millwright, or a treatise on the construction of some of the most useful machines With the Latest Improvements ; to which is Prefixed, A Short Account of the General Principles of Mechanics, and of the Mechanical Powers ; Illustrated with Forty-four EngravingsGray, AndrewArchibald Constable & Co1806digitised 2022Digital
Exploring Museums in SussexEast Sussex County Council1980Book
Faden's map of NorfolkBarringer, J C; Faden, WilliamLarks Press1996Book
Fair wind and weather: paintings of windmills. Paintings of Charles W HowarthHowarth, Charles WWirral Borough Council Department of Leisure Services1982Book
Farm tools through the agesPartridge, MichaelOsprey Publishing1976Book
Farming: sources for local historiansEdwards, PeterB.T. Batsford1991Book
Find your Why: A practical guide for discovering purpose for you and your teamSinek, SimonPortfolio2017Book
First industrial nation: the economic history of Britain 1700-1914Mathias, PeterRoutledge1983Book
First industrial revolutionDeane, PhyllisCambridge University Press1979Book
Flatford: Constable countrySt John, IanSuffolk Walker2000Book
Florrie's story: life at Mortimer's Cross mill in 1919Delaney, D TThe author1987Book
Floss on the Mill: The re-awakening of a watermillGreenhow, DesnaHobnob Press2004Book
Flour is art. FlourWorld Museum opens a new chapterMilling & Grain 2023JuneDigital
Flour power. NelstropsMilling & Grain 2021JulyDigital
Flour World Museum. “The man from the glacier”. How Ötzi came to WittenburgMilling & Grain 2017SeptemberDigital
Francis Frith's windmills and watermills: photographic memoriesBryan, Anthony A (Tony)Frith Book Co2000Book
Frank Meadow Sutcliffe: Photographer a third selectionShaw, MichaelSutcliffe Gallery1990Book
Freshford MillEnviron Freshford Mill Ltd2015Book
Führer durch das Mühlenhof Freilichtmuseum MünsterBreider, TheoMühlenhof Freilichtmuseum Münster1976Book
Functional tradition, the: As shown in early industrial buildingsArchitectural Review1957July vol CXXII (726)Book
Functional tradition: in early industrial buildingsRichards, J MArchitectural Press1958Book
Funds for Historic Buildings in England and Wales: A Directory of SourcesArchitectural Heritage Fund1996Book
Future for mills: principles for dealing with heritage millsvan Nieuwstadt, MarkCultural Heritage Agency2012Book
Garret workshop of James WattDickinson, Henry WinramHer Majesty's Stationery Office1958Book