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Hine family of Berkshire, EnglandHine, Christopher; Hine, Thomas MannThe author2019Book
Histoire des carrières d'ÉpernonDuc, Jean-Paull'Association Epernon Patrimoine et Alentours2012Book
Historical record of the Stover mills and their millers: together with genealogical charts, maps, and illustrations of the millsKuter, BarbaraGraphic Action1999Book
History of Bowers mills in Blackburne ValleyMuir, AugustusW Heffer & Sons1969Book
Holman Bros. millwrights of Canterbury: A historyBoocock, Guy; Cookson, Mildred M; Holman, Geoff; Trout, ElizabethThe Mills Archive Trust2014Book
Holman Bros., Millwrights of Canterbury: A HistoryBoocock, Guy; Cookson, Mildred M; Trout, ElizabethThe Mills Archive Trust2014Website
Holmans of Canterbury: the family firm that traded in Dover Street for one hundred and fifty yearsFielding, ShenaOaten Hill and District Society1992Book
Huddersfield Mill MemoriesTeasdale, VivienWharncliffe Books2006Book
Inventory of Fairbairn waterwheelsByrom, RichardThe author1985Book
J. & E. Hall LTD.: 1785 to 1935Hesketh, EverardGlasgow University Press1935Book
Jenner & Higgs Limited: Centenary year, 1856-1956Jenner & Higgs1956Book
John Rennie’s diary of a journey through Northern England 1784Matkin, Robert BEast Kent Maritime Trust1986Book
Kendrick book: being the story of the Kendrick family, their Reading of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and the foundation of the Kendrick SchoolAppleby, H MBradley & Son1948Book
Killicks and the Nortons, Millers in MeophamCarley, JamesThe author1993Book
La grande histoire des scieurs de LongArnoult, AnnieAuto Edition AAA1996Book
Lakeland family of the middling sort from the seventeenth century to the twentiethRees, HilaryThe author2020Book
Last miller: David Williams of Pentre Mill, LoggerheadsDavies, J IdrisClwyd County Council1986Book
Last years of mill engine buildingThrop, ArnoldInternational Stationary Steam Engine Society1988Book
Lege, son moulin - ses meuniers 1660-1890 tome 2Verdier, IsabelleThe authorBook
Life in a Sussex windmillMartin, Edward AAllen and Donaldson1921Book
Life in a Sussex windmillMartin, Edward AAllen and Donaldson1920Book
Lincolnshire mill familiesWatson, MichaelWellowgate Publications2017Book
Lincolnshire milling connectionsOsborne, LesLesborne Enterprizes1987Book
Living with a windmillSmedley, MarjorieDerbyshire county council cultural and community services department2006Book
Maggs and Hindley: two families, two hundred years, an industrial heritage at Bourton, DorsetMullins, RobertRobert Mullins2014Book
Maison des Brasseurs, ville d'AnversSmekens, FransVille D'Anvers Musees D'Archeologie1983Book
Marsh workers of the BroadsMace, PaulBroad Reed and Sedge Cutters Association2009Book
Master millers: the story of the house of Rank 1875-1955Harley Publishing Company1955Book
Matthew Murray 1765-1826 and the firm of Fenton Murray & Co 1795-1844Thompson, Paul MurrayPaul Murray Thompson2015Book
Memories from the mill: a collection of historical items of the hamlet of Hele which lies on the junctions of the parishes of Bradninch, Silverton and Broadclyst near Exeter in DevonNash, PaddyThe author2001Book
Men of IronWallingford Historical and Archaeological Society1983Book
Michael Harverson 1937 - 2017Hudson, SimonSPAB Mill News2017AprilDigital
Mill city: a visual history of the Minneapolis mill districtPennefeather, Shannon MMinnesota Historical Society2003Book
Mill cottage and Waterford MillPollard, MichaelThe author2002Book
Mill HouseBlow, SueElla Publishing2002Book
Mill house and thereabouts: recollections of an idyllic childhood in Sprowston, NorfolkHarrison, Herbert CLarks Press1998Book
Mill on the Beane: Three families on a ventureCurrey, JamesClare & James Curry2011Book
Miller and his Mill: the story of John Else and Warney MillCooper, JudithMidland Wind & Water Mills Group2020Book
Miller's tale: A history of J. Bibby & Sons Ltd, LiverpoolBibby, C L; Bibby, J BJ. Bibby & Sons1978Book
Millers and Methodists: Leighton Buzzard's First Steam Corn MillMesley, ChrisLeighton Buzzard and District Archaeological and Historical Society2010Book
Millers of Holgate: A social history of milling at Holgate Windmill, YorkCook, Anna JThe Mills Archive Trust2013Book
Moulin de Luzy: Le moulin de Saloué à Dun-les-PlacesAssociation "Moulins du Morvan"1993Book
Mountnessing windmill: A history and descriptionPargeter, Vincent G; Sier, R (Bob); Wooding, RonEssex County Council1994Book
Mountnessing windmill: description and historyNeale, D MFriends of Mountnessing Windmill1976Book
Mühle vom Rothen Strumpf: nachforschungen über ein handwerkBorchert, JürgenVerlag der Nation, Berlin1985Book
Musings of a Country Miller: W Franklin ResslerKindig, SteveRessler Mill Foundation1999Book
Nine generations: a history of the Andrews family, millers of ComberAndrews, Sydney; Burls, JohnIsaac Andrews & Sons Ltd1958Book
Noisiel: la Chocolaterie Menier: Seine-et-MarneCartier, Claudine; Jantzen, HélèneSPADEM1994Book
O. W. Fisher heritageSteen, HermanFrank McCaffrey1961Book
Paper pioneersHands, Joan; Hands, RogerDacorum Heritage Trust2008Book