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Great human exploit: historic industries of the north-westSmith, J HPhillimore1973Book
Guide to Wallis woollen mill: Weaving and making upWallis Woollen millBook
Helmshore higher mill: an 18th century woollen fulling millLancashire County Museum ServiceBook
History of Bowers mills in Blackburne ValleyMuir, AugustusW Heffer & Sons1969Book
History of the Lewisham silk millsMacartney, Sylvia; West, JohnLewisham Local History Society1979Book
History of the woollen and worsted industriesLipson, EAC Black1921Book
Home tour through the manufacturing districts of England: in the summer of 1835Head, GeorgeFrank Cass1968Book
Horrobin mill: bleachworks in the jumblesFrancis, James JTurton Local History Society1992Book
Huddersfield Mill MemoriesTeasdale, VivienWharncliffe Books2006Book
In the wake of King cottonDavies, John; Powell, RobRochdale Art Gallery1986Book
Industrial archaeology of the Preston cotton industryDickinson, T CLancashire Education Committee1981Book
International textile design centre: A proposal for Farfield mills prepared for the Sedbergh and District buildings preservation trustCrewdson, Christopher; James, Andrew; Sutton, AnnSedbergh and District Preservation TrustBook
Lancashire cotton industry: a history since 1700Rose, Mary BLancashire County Books1996Book
Lancashire under steam: The era of the steam-driven cotton millDickinson, T CLancashire County Council1984Book
Lappet and other Victorian works: the story of Calder Vale and OakencloughWilcock, JackJack Wilcock1998Book
Last handloom weavers: Paradise mill, MacclesfieldNorris, JillCheshire County CouncilBook
Lewisham silk mills: and the history of an ancient siteMacartney, Sylvia; West, JohnLewisham Local History Society1998Book
Little of my LifeLuck, LucyDacorum Museum1992Book
Material culture of the wooden ageHindle, Brooke; Kulik, GarySleepy Hollow Restorations1981Book
Melinau GwlanDavies, BranwenGomer Press2017Book
Memoir of Edmund Cartwright, inventor of the power loom etcAdams & Dart1843Facsimile or Transcription
Mill life at StyalQuarry Bank Mill Trust1986Book
Moulins du Cuir et de la Peau: Moulins à tan et à chamoiser en France XIIe-XXe SiècleAzéma, Jean-Pierre HenriCreer2004Book
Notes on Shawford millOlive, JohnThe authorBook
Old Derby silk mill and its rivals: an illustrated historyButterton, HarryThe author1996Book
Old fulling mill: DurhamBook
Old silk mill: Chipping CampdenNixon, StephenCampden and District Historical and Archaeological Society2012Book
Pennine mill trailPowell, KenSAVE Britain's HeritageBook
Platts: textile machinery makersEastham, R HR. H. Eastham1994Book
Power in the industrial revolutionHills, Richard LManchester University Press1970Book
Primitive dye-stuffHarris, RW Heffer & Sons1927Book
Quarry Bank Mill & Styal: a souvenir guidebookGuy, John; Hobbs, DavidAddax Retail1995Book
Quarry Bank mill: a visitor's guideRose, MaryNational TrustBrochure, leaflet or poster
Rhaeadr tannery: Welsh folk museumJenkins, J GeraintNational Museum of Wales1973Book
Richard Arkwright: master spinnerArkwright Society1971Book
Rise and fall of the Scottish cotton industry 1778-1914: the secret springCooke, AnthonyManchester University Press2010Book
Run of the mill: a pictorial narrative of the expansion, dominion, decline and enduring impact of the New England textile industryDunwell, SteveDavid R Godine1978Book
Samuel Crompton, 1753-1827: inventeur du metier a filerDobson & Barlow Ltd1927Book
Samuel Crompton, 1753-1827: the inventor of the spinning muleMidgley, ThomasDobson & Barlow Ltd1927Book
Satanic mills: Industrial architecture in the PenninesBinney, Marcus; Fitzgerald, Ron; Langenbach, Randolph; Powell, KenSAVE Britain's HeritageBook
Sherborne mill: from silks to glassMarsden, FrederickThe author1980Book
Silk mill to museumFeatherstone, AlanRedbourn Village Museum2010Book
Slater millLeavitt, SarahArcadia1997Book
Slave Wales: The Welsh and Atlantic Slavery, 1660 - 1850Evans, ChrisUniversity of Wales2010Book
Spinner's workshop: a social history and practical guideMercer, JohnPrism Press1979Book
Spinning muleCatling, HaroldDavid & Charles1970Book
Spirit of Leek: 3: the textile millsPorter, Lindsey; Walton, CathrynLandmark2002Book
Stalybridge cotton millsHaynes, IanNeil Richardson1990Book
Stott and Sons: architects of the Lancashire cotton millHolden, Roger NCarnegie Publishing1998Book
Stroudwater Valley millsMahler, Oliver; Marshfield, StevenBailey Litho1982Book