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Moulins de la MartiniqueDarsières, Camille; Jean-Baptiste, Nicaise; Joseph, Yves-AndréAssociation Régionale des Amis des Moulins de la MartiniqueBook
To Shoot Hard Labour: The Life and Times of Samuel Smith an Antiguan Workingman 1877-1982Smith, Fred C; Smith, K BKaria Press 1988Book
Slavery, Abolition and Emancipation: Black Slaves and the British EmpireCraton, Michael; Walvin, James; Wright, DavidLongman1976Book
Proprietaires des domaines de pleins Wilhems & de Riviere-Noire des origines a nos joursRouillard, GuyRevue Agricole et Sucrière de l'Ile Maurice1974Offprint/Journal Supplement
Sugar changed the World: A story of magic, spice, slavery, freedom, and scienceAronson, Marc; Budhos, Marina2010Book
Sugar and slavery, family and race; the letters and diaries of Pierre Dessalles, planter in Martinique, 1808-1856Forster, Elborg; Forster, RobertJohn Hopkins University Press1996Book
Plantations of Antigua: the sweet success of sugar. Vol 3: St Philip's, St Paul's and St Mary's ParishDery, Donald A; Meeker, Agnes CAuthorhouse, Indiana2020Book
Plantations of Antigua: the sweet success of sugar. Vol 2: St George's Parish and St Peter's ParishDery, Donald A; Meeker, Agnes CAuthorhouse, Indiana2019Book
Plantations of Antigua: the sweet success of sugar. Vol 1: St John's ParishDery, Donald A; Meeker, Agnes CAuthorhouse, Indiana2017Book
Sugar Plantation in India and Indonesia: Industrial production, 1770-2010Bosma, UlbeCambridge University Press2013Book
Legacies of British slave-ownership: Colonial slavery and the formation of Victorian BritainDonington, Katie; Draper, Nicholas; Hall, Catherine; Lang, Rachel; McClelland, KeithCambridge University Press2014Book
Slaves with or without sugar: Registers of the international seminar, Funchal 17th to 21st June 1996Vieira, AlbertoAtlantic History Study Centre Regional Tourism and Culture Office1996Book
Sugar Mills and SlaveryNisbet, Stuart MThe Mills Archive Trust2021Book
Mills of SurinamMarrenga-Stapf, A JTIMS1977Manuscript/Typescript
History of sugar Volume 2Deerr, NoelChapman & Hall1950Book
Dispossessed Lives: Enslaved women, violence and the archiveFuentes, Marisa JUniversity of Pennsylvania2016Book
Sugar mills in Southern SpainLavandera, Efrén FernándezThe author1992Book
Evolution of the sugar cane millBrooks, Alexander; Deerr, NoelNewcomen Society1941Article
Early use of steam power in the cane sugar industryBrooks, Alexander; Deerr, NoelNewcomen Society1941Article
Early use of steam power in the Jamaican sugar industry, 1768-1810Satchell, Veront MNewcomen Society1996Article
Short history of the West IndiesParry, J H; Sherlock, P MMacmillan1971Book
British in the CaribbeanHamshere, CyrilWeidenfeld and Nicolson1972Book
Sugar cane industry: An historical geography from its origins to 1914Galloway, J HCambridge University Press1989Book
Slaves to sweetness: British and Caribbean literatures of SugarPlasa, CarlLiverpool University Press2009Book
Economy and material culture of slaves: Goods and chattels on the sugar plantations of Jamaica and LouisianaMcDonald, Roderick ALouisiana State University Press1993Book
Recovering Scotland's slavery past: The Caribbean connectionDevine, Tom MEdinburgh University Press2015Book
Masters and the slaves: A study in the development of Brazilian civilisationFreyre, GilbertoWeidenfeld and Nicolson1956Book
Sugar And Slavery : An Economic History Of The British West IndiesSheridan, RichardUniversity Press of the West Indies2000Book
Papers of Hornung & Co LtdWest Sussex Record Office online cataogueWebsite
Occupations of enslaved women on Buff Bay Plantation, 1819UCL database: Legacies of British Slavery Website
'The Garden of the World': An historical archaeology of sugar landscapes in the eastern Caribbean (1632)Hicks, DanBritish Archaeological Reports2007Book
Sugar, Slavery and Technological Change: Jamaica 1760-1830Satchell, Veront MVDM Verlag Dr Muller2010Book
Sugar, Steam and Steel:: The Industrial Project in Colonial Java, 1830-1885Knight, G RogerUniversity of Adelaide Press2018Book
History of sugar Volume 1Deerr, NoelChapman & Hall1949Book
History of the British West IndiesBurns, Sir AlanGeorge Allen & Unwin1965Book
Cuban Sugar Industry: Transnational Networks and Engineering Migrants in Mid-nineteenth Century CubaCurry-Machado, JonathanPalgrave2011Book
Black Labor, White Sugar: Caribbean Braceros and Their Struggle for Power in the Cuban Sugar IndustryHoward, Philip ALouisiana State University Press2015Book
Cuban Cane Sugar: a Sketch of the Industry, from Soil to Sack, Together with a Survey of the Circumstances Which Combine to Make Cuba The Sugar Bowl of the WorldWiles, RobertBobbs-Merrill Company1916Book
Sugar and slaves: the rise of the planter class in the English West Indies, 1624-1713Dunn, Richard SJonathan Cape1973Book