Title | Contributors | Publisher | Year | BatchDescrip | Medium |
Fontaine de Vaucluse: Vallis Clausa: | Maisonneuve, Michel | Editions PEC | 1996 | | Book |
Sutton-in-Ashfield: Britain in old photographs | Smith, B | Sutton Publishing | 1996 | | Book |
Consolidated glossary of British mill terms | Yoward, Tony | SPAB | 1996 | | Book |
Slaves with or without sugar: Registers of the international seminar, Funchal 17th to 21st June 1996 | Vieira, Alberto | Atlantic History Study Centre Regional Tourism and Culture Office | 1996 | | Book |
Die Mühlen im Rems-Murr-Kreis: Baden-Württemberg mill atlas, volume 2, part 2: presentation and catalogue | Fritz, Gerhard; Glock, Helmut; Wannenwetsch, Walter | Manfred Hennecke | 1996 | | Book |
Mills of the River Segura: The new mills | Parra Lledó, Isabel | Museo Hidraulico "Los Molinos del Rio Segura" | 1996 | | Book |
La grande histoire des scieurs de Long | Arnoult, Annie | Auto Edition AAA | 1996 | | Book |
Master Bakers' book of breadmaking | Roebuck, Martin | National Association of Master Bakers | 1996 | | Book |
Ailes Berton: le succès d'une invention | Amary, J F; Cussonneau, Christian; Gibbings, C; Porcher, Christian; Raclin, M; Rivals, Claude | Les Cahiers De l’Ama | 1996 | | Book |
Faden's map of Norfolk | Barringer, J C; Faden, William | Larks Press | 1996 | | Book |
Bliss mill, Chipping Norton: industrial Lancashire in the Costwolds | Hurrell, Harold | The author | 1996 | | Book |
Guide to the industrial archaeology of North West Wales | Gwyn, David; Williams, Merfyn | Association for Industrial Archaeology | 1996 | | Book |
East Anglia and the Fens | Talbot, Rob; Whiteman, Robin | Cassell | 1996 | | Book |
Moulins à blé noir des paysans Bretons.: No. 14. | Gaucheron, Andre | Federation Française des Amis des Moulins | 1996 | | Book |
Geschichte der Wasserkraftnutzung | Tönsmann, Frank | Herkules Verlag, Kassel | 1996 | | Book |
Die Greetsieler Zwillingsmühlen | Schoof, Lükko | Vereinigung zur Erhaltung der Wind- und Wassermühlen in Niedersachsen und Bremen | 1996 | | Book |
Leezdorfer Mühle 1896-1996 | Anon, | | 1996 | | Book |
Barnham windmill | | Barnham Windmill Supporters Group | 1996 | | Book |
Watermills and windmills of Middlesex | Blythman, Guy | Baron Birch | 1996 | | Book |
Power from wind: A history of windmill technology | Hills, Richard L | Cambridge University Press | 1996 | | Book |
Threshing and thatching: traditional crafts and village life in East Anglia | Freeman, Pat | East Anglian Traction Engine Club | 1996 | | Book |
Lincolnshire windmills on old picture postcards: a selection of picture postcards featuring scenes during the past century, with informative captions | Croft, Eric | Reflections of a Bygone Age | 1996 | | Book |
Ford End watermill: a short history & guide | Lindsey, David | Pitstone Local History Society | 1996 | | Book |
Somerset's industrial heritage | | Somerset Industrial Archaeology Society | 1996 | | Book |
Suffolk at work: trades and industries | Malster, Robert | Sutton Publishing | 1996 | | Book |
Perfect pitch: the millwright's goal; an aid in the interpretation and dating of the working parts of watermills and windmills | Stoyel, Alan | SPAB | 1996 | | Book |
Heatherslaw mill: near Ford, Northumberland | Gerrard, David | Trail Publishing | 1996 | | Book |
Gunpowder mills of Fernilee | Winfield, Joyce | The author | 1996 | | Book |
Some Ulster watermills; a photographic exhibition | Godin, Henri | The author | 1996 | | Book |
Daily grind: a simple discovery guide to mill technology | | Heatherslaw Mill Trust | 1996 | | Book |
Biographical dictionary of the history of technology | Day, Lane; McNeil, Ian | Routledge | 1996 | | Book |
Städte und Mühlen im Rheinland: das Erftgebiet zwischen Münstereifel und Neuss vom 9. bis ins 18 Jahrundert + the Erft area between Münstereifel and Neuss from the 9th to the 18th century | Kreiner, Ralf | Alano Rader Publikationen | 1996 | | Book |
Four centuries of Lancashire cotton | Timmins, Geoffrey | Lancashire County Books | 1996 | | Book |
Lancashire cotton industry: a history since 1700 | Rose, Mary B | Lancashire County Books | 1996 | | Book |
Chinnor windmill: history and restoration | Marshall, Adrian | The author | 1996 | | Book |
Gunpowder: the history of an international technology | Buchanan, Brenda J | Bath UP | 1996 | | Book |
Windmill tower at Warmley brassworks, South Gloucestershire | Watts, Martin | The author | 1996 | | Thesis/Report |
Wind energy in America: a history | Righter, Robert W | University of Oklahoma Press | 1996 | | Book |
Old Derby silk mill and its rivals: an illustrated history | Butterton, Harry | The author | 1996 | | Book |
Borrowash mills on the Derwent: records of an industrial site in Derbyshire | Johnson, Marion | Marion Johnson Greenway Publishing | 1996 | | Book |
Moulins et meuniers carolingiens dans les polyptyques entre Loire et Rhin: Mills and millers in the Carolingian polyptychs between the Loire and Rhine | Champion, Etienne | Vulcain / AEDEH | 1996 | | Book |
History of the By brook | Tatem, Ken | Environment Agency | 1996 | | Book |
Wind farms of the UK: a guide to the wind turbines, wind farm locations ... | Hannah, Paul | BWEA British Wind Energy Association | 1996 | | Book |
Moulins hydrauliques du moyen age: l'apport des comptes des chanoines de Sens XVe siècle | Rouillard, Joséphine | Association pour l'Edition et la Diffusion des Etudes Historiques | 1996 | | Book |
Bygone corn mills in the Horsham area | Coomber, George H W | Horsham Museum Society | 1996 | | Book |
Travailler au moulin / Werken met Molens: Working with mills | Bruggeman, Jean; Coutant, Yves; Denewet, Lieven | Editions ARAM Nord, Pas-de-Calais | 1996 | | Book |
Forges de Syam: Jura | Blandin, Patrick; Claerr-Roussel, Christiane; Desgranchamps, Guy; Mairot, Philippe; Poupard, Laurent | Inventaire General SPADEM | 1996 | | Book |
Mossley textile mills | Haynes, Ian | Neil Richardson | 1996 | | Book |
Bakers and millers in Sandwich | Harlow, R S | White Mill Folk Museum Trust | 1996 | | Book |
Windmill Wood | Shaw, Tony | The author | 1996 | | Book |