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Publications (Library)

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Die Industriegeschichte des WassersFöhl, AxelVDI-Verlag1985Book
Eolienne BolleeGaucheron, Andre; Major, J KennethTIMS1985Book
Woodbridge: a short history and guideWeaver, Carol; Weaver, Michael AThe author1985Book
Lead miningGoodhart, J SDalesman1985Book
Inventory of Fairbairn waterwheelsByrom, RichardThe author1985Book
Cotton mills of OldhamGurr, Duncan; Hunt, JulianOldham Education & Leisure Services1985Book
Bulletin de l’Aram BeauceAssociation Regionale des Amis des Moulins de Beauce1985Book
Die industriegeschichte des wassers: Transport, energie, versorgungFöhl, Axel; Hamm, ManfredVDI-Verlag1985Book
Lead mining in SwaledaleFawcett, Edward R; Lee, BrianFaust publications1985Book
Brill windmill: an explanationWaghorn, MarkBrill Society1985Book
Bedfont gunpowder millsMills, John; Philo, PhilBedfont Research Group1985Book
East Yorkshire windmillsGregory, RoyCharles Skilton1985Book
Staffordshire windmillsJob, BarryMidland Wind & Water Mills Group1985Book
Transactions of the Sixth symposium of The International Molinological SocietyTIMS1985Symposium Transactions
Ocrim profileOcrim1985Book
Windmills and wind motors: : how to build and run themPowell, F ELindsay Publications1985Book
Wind powerCross, MikeFranklin Watts1985Book
Cambridgeshire windmills and watermillsStevens, RobertCambridgeshire Wind and Watermill Society1985Book
Power before steamVince, JohnJohn Murray1985Book
Essex windmills, millers and millwrights, vol 4: A Review by Parishes, F-RFarries, Kenneth GCharles Skilton1985Book
Animal-powered machinesMajor, J KennethShire1985Book
Science and rice in IndonesiaWard, William BOelgeschlager Gunn & Hain1985Book
Sussex industrial archaeology: a field guideAusten, Brian; Cox, Don; Upton, JohnPhillimore1985Book
Three hundred years in paperMandl, G TG T Mandl1985Book
Thelnetham Windmill: Report on the restoration programme: 1984Thelnetham Mill Partnership1985Book
Shawford mill theatre: a new use for an old buildingOlive, JohnShawford Mill Theatre1985Book
Die Mühle “Aurora” in Jork-BorstelDiekmann, Dieter; Ganske, Walter; Raue, Georg; Schröder, Friedrich; Schulze, Heinz-JLandkreis Stade1985Book
Klostermühle HeiligenrodeFranke, Rudolf; Lörbert, Wolfgang; Rust, HartmutGemeinde Stur1985Book
Eine kleine MühlenkundeJans, WilhelmVerein zur Förderung historischer Mühlen im Landkreis Gifhorn1985Book
Die Glinder Mühle als Walke und KupferhammerLange, WolfgangVerlag Hans Jürgen Böckel1985Book
Women and Slavery in the Caribbean : A Feminist PerspectiveReddock, Rhoda ELatin American Perspectives198512 pp 63-80Digital
Wind Power MonthlyHaymarket Business Media1985almost complete run to 2019Journal
Analysis of generation costs 1983/84 UpdateCentral Electricity Generating Board1985AprilBook
Review of Windpump TechnologyFraenkel, PeterIT Power inc1985DecemberThesis/Report
Moulins de l'Hérault. Arts et Traditions Rurales. Dossier 4.David, Pierre; Jolly, Michelle; Kuentz, Daniel; Richard, Jean-Claude1985Décembre 25Book
Hertfordshire WindmillsMoore, CyrilHertfordshire Archaeological Soc,1985Hertfordshire's Past 19, 2-16Article
Nuclear Electricity; how much is needed?Baker, JohnCentral Electricity Generating Board1985May 22Book
Childhood memories of Polegate wind and water millsTerry, BerthaThe author1985SpringBook