
Sussex industrial archaeology: a field guide

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Austen, Brian
    Cox, Don
    Upton, John

    Publisher Phillimore
    Year of publication 1985

    English (main text)

    Medium Book

    Industrial history & industrial archaeology



    Scope & contentThis is a gazetteer of significant industrial monuments in East and West Sussex. All the structures listed were still standing at the time the text was completed. The book is compiled from information supplied by members of the Sussex Industrial Archaeology Society who have recorded the sites before they are destroyed. It is divided into eight sections: Public utilities; Industries; Mills and gins; Road transport; Canals and navigations; Railways; Ports, coastal features and airports; Museums. The industries included are: Breweries; Brick, tile and pottery manufacturers; Chalk quarries and lime kilns; Granaries and warehouses; Gunpowder mills; Mines; the Wealden iron industry. The section on Mills and gins includes windmills, watermills and animal powered engines. The book is illustrated with photographs including one of Mr Sydney Ashdown dressing the runner stone at Bateman's mill and a copy of a watercolour of Bishopstone tide mill, before it was demolished, showing the wheel culverts. A bibliography of further reading is provided.

    Copies held

    Accession no. 230347

    • Shelf location: C103.25
    • Donor: Tony Yoward collection