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Analysis of generation costs 1983/84 UpdateCentral Electricity Generating Board1985AprilBook
Animal-powered machinesMajor, J KennethShire1985Book
Bedfont gunpowder millsMills, John; Philo, PhilBedfont Research Group1985Book
Brill windmill: an explanationWaghorn, MarkBrill Society1985Book
Brill: a short historyBateson, F WBrill Society1985Book
Bulletin de l’Aram BeauceAssociation Regionale des Amis des Moulins de Beauce1985Book
Cambridgeshire windmills and watermillsStevens, RobertCambridgeshire Wind and Watermill Society1985Book
Childhood memories of Polegate wind and water millsTerry, BerthaThe author1985SpringBook
Christopher Polhem 1661-1751: the Swedish DaedalusLindgren, Mikael; Sorbom, PerSveriges Tekniska Museum1985Book
Cotton mills of OldhamGurr, Duncan; Hunt, JulianOldham Education & Leisure Services1985Book
Die Glinder Mühle als Walke und KupferhammerLange, WolfgangVerlag Hans Jürgen Böckel1985Book
Die Industriegeschichte des WassersFöhl, AxelVDI-Verlag1985Book
Die industriegeschichte des wassers: Transport, energie, versorgungFöhl, Axel; Hamm, ManfredVDI-Verlag1985Book
Die Mühle “Aurora” in Jork-BorstelDiekmann, Dieter; Ganske, Walter; Raue, Georg; Schröder, Friedrich; Schulze, Heinz-JLandkreis Stade1985Book
East Yorkshire windmillsGregory, RoyCharles Skilton1985Book
Eeuwen Onder Wind en Wolken: Windmolens in Oost-Vlaanderen [Windmills in East Flanders]Bauters, PaulProvincie Oost-Vlanderen1985Book
Eine kleine MühlenkundeJans, WilhelmVerein zur Förderung historischer Mühlen im Landkreis Gifhorn1985Book
Emder MühlengeschichteJanssen, DietrichGerhard Verlag1985Book
Eolienne BolleeGaucheron, Andre; Major, J KennethTIMS1985Book
Essex windmills, millers and millwrights, vol 4: A Review by Parishes, F-RFarries, Kenneth GCharles Skilton1985Book
Etwas über Hohlmasse und Waagen in der alten LandmühleStudtje, JohannesHeimatverein der Landschaft Angeln1985Book
Field guide to American windmillsBaker, T LindsayUniversity of Oklahoma Press1985Book
Flannel makers: a brief history of the Welsh woollen industryJenkins, J GeraintGomer Press1985Book
Geschichte der WasserkraftnutzungEckholdt, Martin; Löber, Ulrich; Tönsmann, FrankLandesmuseum Koblenz1985Book
Guide to the industrial archaeology of the Waverley areaHaveron, FrancisSurrey Industrial History Group1985Book
Handwerk und Gewerbe in der Gemeinde Schaalby: Teil I, Mühlen und Schmieden (Part I, mills and smithies)Thiessen, KlausGemeindechronik Schaalby1985Book
Hertfordshire WindmillsMoore, CyrilHertfordshire Archaeological Soc,1985Hertfordshire's Past 19, 2-16Article
History of Bozeat WindmillTebby, D GBozeat Historical and Archaeological Society1985Book
Huguenots in WandsworthGwynn, R D; Shaw, R A; Thomas, PWandsworth Borough Council1985Book
Industrial architecture in Britain: 1750-1939Jones, EdgarBatsford1985Book
Industrial architecture of YorkshireHatcher, JanePhillimore1985Book
Inventory of Fairbairn waterwheelsByrom, RichardThe author1985Book
Iron industry of the WealdCleere, Henry; Crossley, David WLeicester University Press1985Book
Kingfisher millTryon, AylmerJ P Collins & Co. Norwich, Conn1985Book
Klostermühle HeiligenrodeFranke, Rudolf; Lörbert, Wolfgang; Rust, HartmutGemeinde Stur1985Book
Latvijas dzirnavasTeivens, ArnoDaugava1985Book
Lead miningGoodhart, J SDalesman1985Book
Lead mining in SwaledaleFawcett, Edward R; Lee, BrianFaust publications1985Book
Les scieries et les anciens sagards des Vosges: bûcherons, schlitteurs, voituriers et voileursBoithias, Jean-Louis; Brignon, MarcCreer1985Book
MelinWelsh Mills Society1985Book
Melin Howell, LLantrisantHagerty, SeanThe author1985Brochure, leaflet or poster
Miller's manualStoate, DavidThe author1985Book
Molinos de marAzurmendi Perez, LuisColegio Oficiial de Arquitectos de Cantabria1985Book
Mother's "Blue Max" windplant plansMother Earth News1985Plans and instructions
Moulins de l'Hérault. Arts et Traditions Rurales. Dossier 4.David, Pierre; Jolly, Michelle; Kuentz, Daniel; Richard, Jean-Claude1985Décembre 25Book
Mühle vom Rothen Strumpf: nachforschungen über ein handwerkBorchert, JürgenVerlag der Nation, Berlin1985Book
Mühlen im WeinviertelBodenstein, Anton R; Hohenbuhel, Carl PhilippChristian Brandstatter1985Book
Multi-purpose power unit with horizontal turbine (MPPU) construction kitBachmann, A; Nakarmi, A MUnicef1985Book
Museumsdorf CloppenburgKaiser, HermannMuseumsdorf Cloppenburg1985Book
Museumsmühle in St. JulianWeber, Friedrich WilhelmKreisverwaltung Kusel1985Book