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Publications (Library)

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Molins de vent de MallorcaSanchis, Guarner MEditorial Barcino1955Book
Compound milling: and associated subjectsSimmons, N OwenLeonard Hill1955Book
Jahrbuch für Geschichte und Kunst des Mittelrheins und seiner NachbargebieteHörter, FridolinVerein für Geschichte und Kunst des Mittelrheins1955Book
Technische KulturdenkmaleEbeling, Gerhard; Winkler, ErwinInstitut für Denkmalpflege, Dresden1955Book
Dessauer Kulturspiegel – 225 Jahre Jonitzer MühleZühlke, Gerhard1955Article
Endless web: John Dickinson & Co. Ltd. 1804-1954Evans, JoanJonathan Cape1955Book
Müllereitechnisches Fachwörterbuch Deutsch-EnglischTheil-Kessler, GFriederich Vieweg & Sohn1955Book
Master millers: the story of the house of Rank 1875-1955Harley Publishing Company1955Book
Windmills in KentAdams, James W RKent County Council1955Book
Man and the windsde la Rue, E Aubert; Thompson, Madge EHutchinson1955Book
Generation of electricity by wind powerGolding, E WE & F N Spon1955Book
Studies in ancient technology: vol.2Forbes, R JEJ Brill1955Book
Escher Wyss 1805-1955: 150 years of developmentEscher Wyss & Co, Zurich1955Book
Bodiam castle, Sussex: did its builder also construct Dalyngrigge's bay, divert the river Kennet and thereby concede about 15 acres of Sussex land to Kent?Clark, F CAdams of Rye1955Book
Big wheel (Lady Isabella): history and description of this famous landmarkJespersen, AndersThe author1955Book
Click mill: Dounby, OrkneyCruden, StuartHMSO1955Book
Sobre el timpano y la bomba de CtesibioBaroja, Julio CaroGuimaraes1955Offprint/Journal Supplement
Sobre ciguenales y otros ingenios para elevar aquaBaroja, Julio CaroGuimaraes1955Offprint/Journal Supplement
Sobre la historia de la noria de tiroBaroja, Julio CaroRevista de Dialectologia y Tradiciones Populares1955Offprint/Journal Supplement
De Windmolens van MallorcaSanchis, Guarner M; van Hartingsvelt, J CJ C van Hartingsvelt1955Book
Windmills in KentWailes, RexNewcomen Society1955Vol XXIX pp 221-239Offprint/Journal Supplement
Index to the most important local historical information contained in the files of “The Hull Advertiser and Exchange Gazette” Vol 1 (July 1794-December 1825)MacMahon, K AUniversity of Hull1955Manuscript/Typescript
Olands VaderkvarnarOlsson, Anders; Palm, BertilKalmar Lans Fornminnesforenings1955Number 22Book
Food technology processing and laboratory controlAylward, FGeorge Newnes Ltd1955Book
Het Nederlands Openlucht MuseumRijksmuseum voor Volkskunde1955Unbound documents